New market for writers of paranormal romance

Sadly, another market for novels is closing. Harlequin has announced the Signature imprint which debuted in January of this year and offered special projects, anthologies, continuities and reprints of popular authors' works will end June 2006. This program mostly featured their established authors, but it was unique for the bonus features offered with the books so readers will miss it.

However, just as the cliche goes about doors closing but windows opening, the huge publisher also announced they're starting a dark paranormal romance line with Executive Editor Leslie Wainger at the helm. She wants all kinds of dark paranormal, not just vampires and werewolves.

This sounds like a great opportunity for those who love alternative reality stories so, writers, start your engines, uh, that is, turn on the PCs and pound those keyboards.

By the way, I received this information from Cindi Myers who writes a great marketing newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe, just send a blank email to

and she'll add your name to her list. It's a great resource for those interested in writing romance fiction.

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