Okay, I've just got to brag a bit. My younger brother Johnny Ainsworth finally got his car sales business in the Dallas/Fort Worth area up and running. My dh and I visited over the weekend, and I have to admit I'm really impressed and very proud of him.
He's trying to incorporate his values, his integrity, in the operation of a business usually not known for those qualities--selling used vehicles. He wants to make the buyer a customer for life, someone who will return again and again.
He's been guided through life by a moral compass that makes him go the extra mile to help people and to treat them as he would wish to be treated. BesTex Motorplex, his car dealership in Keller, is his attempt to run a business the same way. Visit the web site, you'll be impressed. If you're in the market for a car, stop by his dealership, and you'll be even more impressed. He'll treat you with respect and give you a good deal. Oh, and he's got motorcycles, scooters, and all-terrain vehicles too.
Bestex Motorplex
9705 Denton Highway
Keller, TX 76248
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