Nine missing days

Before I get to the capitivating way I spent July 23 thru July 31, let me say that tomorrow's blog will probably be more interesting. Wow, is that self-defeating or what? Telling you in advance to skip my riviting blog about the last nine days and just tune in tomorrow. {Picture me shrugging my shoulders.}

Next week I think I'll have another WAR STORY of a recently contracted first author.

Back to the 9 missing days. They just disappeared into some cosmic Bermuda Triangle because I swear I don't know where they went! I blogged on the 22nd, and here it is the 31st. So what did I do for nine days? Read, wrote, talked, visited, and a few other things.

If Angles Burn by S. L. Viehl (Get it!!)
How To Murder A Millionaire by Nancy Martin (old book but good)
the daily Houston Chronicle (looking for ideas)
Muscle Pain Relief in 90 Seconds (back acting up again)
Last Girl Dancing by Holly Lisle (Get it!)
last 6 issues of Romance Writers Report
research on law enforcement skills, protocols,
research on small town infrastructure
histories of several parishes in Louisiana
again Writer's Guide to Poisons
Howdunnit: How Crimes Are Committed

birthday and anniversary messages
notes on book to be started when this one finished
emails--too many to count unfortunately

Phone calls (doesn't include leaving voice mails):
Mom--3 times
daughter A--2 or 3
son M1--2
son M2--1
various irritating solicitors--1
insurance agent--1

not enough

Other things:
took lots of photos of different things--will be used on my web site in the months ahead--many of them on the MY TEXAS page.
went to San Antonio--nice place but HOT! Seems hotter than Houston for some reason, and the air quality was awful. Made me long for my inhaler. Smog reminded me of L.A.

That's about it. I'm outta here so I can meet with my web mistress MAE to start the monthly update of my web site.

Sling Words out.

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