Sunday Thoughts About Music

How often do you listen to music? What kind of music do you like?

Me? I listen every day, but what I listen to depends on what I'm doing. Yes, different kinds of music for different activities.

When I'm in the office, I listen to classical music, preferably string music with the exception of guitar. Give me violins, cello, viola, and piano.

To name a few, I love DeBussy, Mozart, Chopin, Bach, and some Beethoven—but not the bombastic symphonic stuff. Occasionally, I like pop music from nearly any decade if it's not in English. If I can understand the words, I find my brain distracted by the lyrics.


If I'm enjoying conversation with friends or just with Darling Hubby, I have music playing in the background—usually my Pandora station with 60s, 70s, and 80s or Easy Listening with Josh Groban, Michael Buble, and great crooners of the last 40 years. 

If I'm cooking, I have French or Italian dinner music playing. If I'm cleaning house or working out, I have loud rock music from 60s to 2000s playing.

Or country music that begs one to sing along like Jerry Jeff Walker's Redneck Mother or Wicked Rain by Los Lobos.

If I'm feeling sad, I listen to crying-in-your-beer country like Willy Nelson's Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.

If I'm blogging, I listen to whatever suits my fancy. I guess words with music doesn't bother me when I'm writing something casual like a blog post.


I'll freely confess that I don't find much of the music in the Spotify Top 10 interesting. So much of it sounds derivative from the vocals—even the singers' voices—to the music. It's not that I think today's music sucks, but it's missing something. 

Maybe it's the fact that so many singers don't have actual musicians backing them up. Auto drums. Autotune. Digital background music. Derivative voices. Derivative music. Or maybe I just don't have the time to devote to hearing the latest music like I did when I was young.

My daughter adds songs to my Spotify list that she thinks I'd like, but I haven't found much from her recs either.

I do watch Rick Beato on YouTube when he goes through the Spotify Top 10 to see if there's something I've missed that I might truly love.

I really like Beato's analysis of music—old and new. If you haven't watched his videos before, give them a try. If you're really into music, you'll like what he has to say.

As you can tell, I have very eclectic taste in music. I guess that's because I grew up with a Mom who liked everything from Big Band to Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, and Cajun music and a Dad who played guitar and loved country music from Depression-era country to Hank Williams to Dolly Parton.


As I finish this post, I'm listening to one of the greatest songs of the 70s—Eli's Coming by Three Dog Night, the group with 3 lead singers who were all amazing. If you're listening to music today, leave a comment and tell me the song and artist.

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