I've learned something important in Life.
Attitude determines actions, and actions determine outcome.
I met a deadline in spite of being sick for the last week.
I have another deadline this week, but I wanted to share 3 more thoughts with you in my 31 Days of New Thinking series.
I had planned one thought per day—that was Plan A. Well that didn't exactly work out because I had more commitments than time along with several other factors including having a Life.
So Plan A was replaced by Plan B, under which I've been operating for most of the month. Plan B hasn't exactly been a winner, mostly due to the aforementioned commitments outpacing the hours of the day.
This post isn't about having contingency plans so let me move on.
Attitude and Actions
January 14 — You are what you decide to be today and every day that follows.
There's one crucial step in achieving anything whether it's learning how to dance the tango, how to write a book, or how to get a new job.
You must decide to do so. Yep. You first have to make a decision. Some people wallow in the valley of dilemma, uncertain about what to do. Should they? Shouldn't they?
Nothing will be accomplished until one decides to to do something.
January 15 —Your attitude today determines the actions you take today.
Do you ever wake up, and you're a fireball of energy ready to tackle anything and everything?
Are there other days when you can hardly face a new sunrise because you received a bad book review?
Or maybe the thought of doing more than dragging yourself to the coffee maker is beyond you because you know hundreds of emails are clogging up your Inbox?
What happens on the days when you're ready to run for the Roses? You accomplish a lot, and you feel great about everything you do.
What happens on the days when you're ready to throw in the towel because you tell yourself that your career is going nowhere?
Not much. You procrastinate on needed tasks. You put decisions off. You take no action to achieve what you say you want more than anything.
January 16 — Your actions today determines what happens tomorrow.
If you have a goal and you know what actions will be needed to achieve that goal but you don't take those actions today, then what happens tomorrow? You're behind. Accumulate enough "failure to act" days, and you never get what you want.
The secret to getting what you want is taking consistent action every day. That is true for any goal that ever was uttered.
Now, look at the 3 thoughts for today and see how one leads to the other.
You are what you decide to be today and every day that follows
Your attitude today determines the actions you take today.
Your actions today determines what happens tomorrow.
Takeaway Truth
Absorb those 3 thoughts, dwell on them, obsess about them, and make them part of your daily life. They're a crucial step on your path to success.
Attitude determines actions, and actions determine outcome.
I met a deadline in spite of being sick for the last week.
I have another deadline this week, but I wanted to share 3 more thoughts with you in my 31 Days of New Thinking series.
I had planned one thought per day—that was Plan A. Well that didn't exactly work out because I had more commitments than time along with several other factors including having a Life.
So Plan A was replaced by Plan B, under which I've been operating for most of the month. Plan B hasn't exactly been a winner, mostly due to the aforementioned commitments outpacing the hours of the day.

Attitude and Actions
January 14 — You are what you decide to be today and every day that follows.
There's one crucial step in achieving anything whether it's learning how to dance the tango, how to write a book, or how to get a new job.
You must decide to do so. Yep. You first have to make a decision. Some people wallow in the valley of dilemma, uncertain about what to do. Should they? Shouldn't they?
Nothing will be accomplished until one decides to to do something.
January 15 —Your attitude today determines the actions you take today.
Do you ever wake up, and you're a fireball of energy ready to tackle anything and everything?
Are there other days when you can hardly face a new sunrise because you received a bad book review?
Or maybe the thought of doing more than dragging yourself to the coffee maker is beyond you because you know hundreds of emails are clogging up your Inbox?
What happens on the days when you're ready to run for the Roses? You accomplish a lot, and you feel great about everything you do.

Not much. You procrastinate on needed tasks. You put decisions off. You take no action to achieve what you say you want more than anything.
January 16 — Your actions today determines what happens tomorrow.
If you have a goal and you know what actions will be needed to achieve that goal but you don't take those actions today, then what happens tomorrow? You're behind. Accumulate enough "failure to act" days, and you never get what you want.
The secret to getting what you want is taking consistent action every day. That is true for any goal that ever was uttered.
Now, look at the 3 thoughts for today and see how one leads to the other.
You are what you decide to be today and every day that follows
Your attitude today determines the actions you take today.
Your actions today determines what happens tomorrow.
Takeaway Truth
Absorb those 3 thoughts, dwell on them, obsess about them, and make them part of your daily life. They're a crucial step on your path to success.
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