I'm revamping the website and eliminating some of the pages where I once posted fresh content each month. I simply don't have the time any longer to do that.
In fact, I'm eliminating a lot of the weekly and monthly tasks that I once did just to make more time to write.
In scrolling through the articles, I've saved some to post on the blog. Today's post is one. It's advice to writers who fret over how long it takes to produce a new work.
Nothing Great Is Created Quickly
Many people decry how long it takes to create something meaningful. I realized many years ago that nothing great is ever created quickly. You probably know that too, but it's good to remind oneself of that fact.
To make a scientific discovery, to paint a masterpiece, to write an immortal poem, to create a symphony, to write a novel that will be remembered--all of these take time. So does earning a college degree, making a home, nurturing a child, or building a business.
Nothing worthwhile is ever instantaneous. To do anything great requires time, patience, and perseverance. Goals are achieved little by little.
Michelangelo did not paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling in a year. Bach did not compose The Brandenburg Condertos in a month or two. Margaret Mitchell did not write Gone With the Wind in a matter of months, nor did Shakespeare create Hamlet in a few days.
Just as the most famous musicians begin with basic musical notes, and artists first draw with charcoal or pencil, the greatest writer who ever lived began with the alphabet. With words. You too must start there.
Takeaway Truth
To do anything great requires time, patience, and perseverance. Get started.
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