1. Writing success requires a consistent commitment.
Success: Noun meaning the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
Consistent: Adjective meaning unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time.
Commitment: Noun meaning the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
During the holidays, my darling hubby and I watched When the Game Stands Tall Movie
Jim Caviezel believably portrays Coach Ladouceur. The movie was so good that I sought out the book by Neil Hayes
Coach Ladouceur didn't just train his teams to play football. He trained them to be men--the kind of men who were honest, accountable, and who could be depended on by the world with which they interacted. He taught them to be honorable, to do the right thing. He instilled the values of family, brotherhood, and commitment.
At the beginning of each football training season, he had the players write their commitment on index cards. Commitment to practice, commitment to physical training, commitment to the game, etc. With each commitment, the players had to list a goal: practice goal, training goal, etc. (I also ordered Chasing Perfection: The Principles Behind Winning Football the De La Salle Way by Bob Ladouceur
Bob Ladouceur knew how to create life success as well as football success. Guess what? The same kind of principles that he taught about winning football games can be applied to any endeavor, such as writing.
1 Writing Reality: Writing success requires a consistent commitment.
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Takeaway Truth
Today, right now, sit down and write out your commitment to writing. How often will you write? How long will each writing session be? How will you train to be a better writer? For each commitment, write a matching goal.
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