About G.E. Taylor: In Her Own Words
I became hooked on reading romance novels during my teen years, and my attempt at writing began in high school. All of my manuscripts were "mailed" under my bed. Eventually, I threw out most of them. That was painful especially since I’d hand written them first, then typed them on my old typewriter.
In college I majored in English but ended up with a Master in Social Work and a Master in Education. Though I had different career paths, I never gave up my passion for writing. Now I’m writing full time. I’ve drawn on my years of practicing social work to give my work authenticity and realism.
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After her guest post, you can find out more about her book.
And now, here's G.E. with...
The Serious Writer: Turning Passion into Craft
by G. E. Taylor
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."
― Stephen King
I couldn’t agree more with this quote by Stephen King. I like to read, and have always enjoyed reading. Even when I was growing up I read everything in the “Hardy Boys” series, “Nancy Drew” and any Mills and Boon romance book I could find. Naturally, I’ve read other books, but those mentioned, I’d enjoyed and had read sometimes twice.
In my moments of reflection though, I do regret not pursuing my writing as ardently back then as I’m doing now. Yes, I did some writing but nothing worthy to meet publishing standards, and I think I was pretty scared too. Still, that feeling was not strong enough to deter me from continuing to write and strive for the goal of completing and publishing that work.
I attacked my first novel like I was writing and preparing for one of my most critical professors. The rewrites were many and at times downright discouraging but since I was upholding a standard there was no way I could back down. So, casting aside any feeling of discouragement I continued to work and focus on the goal of producing a novel I was satisfied with and readers could enjoy. With my second novel I used almost the same demanding work discipline to achieve my goal. But somehow I found I was more relaxed, maybe because I’d faced the fire before and was now aware of the pitfalls and avoided them.
Someone said, you should toot your horn or no one will do it for you. So, I’m pleased with myself and happy to announce that I am the proud owner of two published contemporary romance books and I am working on the third one. My first book ─The Lady Mentor was published September, 2014 and Desperate Decision on July, 2015.
“The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.” Vladimir Nabokov.
I am excited that once again I get to use my imagination to bring the invisible to life. Surrender My Heart is my next project and it is also a contemporary romance. This is the genre I’m most comfortable writing. Once this novel is complete, then my goal is to continue creating and writing stories, that hopefully readers will want to read.
For now, I’m pleased that I was able to meet the challenge of writing three novels as I am a member of Romance Writers of America and want to be seen as a serious writer.
Desperate Decision by G.E. Taylor
Allison North’s flight to freedom is dangerous and desperate. As she scrambles into the stranger’s car crying “drive,” she prays to God this is not her last day on earth. Usually not a gambler, this move is high-stake gambling. Bruised, battered, and with no money, she needs a place to hide and heal until she finds work as a pastry chef. When the stranger offers her shelter, she takes it even as fear rushes up her throat and threatens to choke her. Would she live to regret her decision?
Mason Franklin cannot believe his eyes but, with her urgent cry ringing in his ears, he presses the gas and the car leaps forward. What had possessed her to do such a dangerous act? He intends to find out. But no amount of probing loosened her tongue. Just when he decides to let her go, he accidentally sees her bruised body. Angry that someone did that to her made him want to meet the coward. He offers her shelter. Under his roof, he discovers she is the pastry chef who could not only lift his business to the top, but who built up a need in him that only she can satisfy. The wild passion they share can only lead to one conclusion.
Desperate Decision is available at:
After her guest post, you can find out more about her book.
And now, here's G.E. with...
The Serious Writer: Turning Passion into Craft
by G. E. Taylor
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot."
― Stephen King
I couldn’t agree more with this quote by Stephen King. I like to read, and have always enjoyed reading. Even when I was growing up I read everything in the “Hardy Boys” series, “Nancy Drew” and any Mills and Boon romance book I could find. Naturally, I’ve read other books, but those mentioned, I’d enjoyed and had read sometimes twice.
In my moments of reflection though, I do regret not pursuing my writing as ardently back then as I’m doing now. Yes, I did some writing but nothing worthy to meet publishing standards, and I think I was pretty scared too. Still, that feeling was not strong enough to deter me from continuing to write and strive for the goal of completing and publishing that work.
I attacked my first novel like I was writing and preparing for one of my most critical professors. The rewrites were many and at times downright discouraging but since I was upholding a standard there was no way I could back down. So, casting aside any feeling of discouragement I continued to work and focus on the goal of producing a novel I was satisfied with and readers could enjoy. With my second novel I used almost the same demanding work discipline to achieve my goal. But somehow I found I was more relaxed, maybe because I’d faced the fire before and was now aware of the pitfalls and avoided them.
Someone said, you should toot your horn or no one will do it for you. So, I’m pleased with myself and happy to announce that I am the proud owner of two published contemporary romance books and I am working on the third one. My first book ─The Lady Mentor was published September, 2014 and Desperate Decision on July, 2015.
“The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.” Vladimir Nabokov.
I am excited that once again I get to use my imagination to bring the invisible to life. Surrender My Heart is my next project and it is also a contemporary romance. This is the genre I’m most comfortable writing. Once this novel is complete, then my goal is to continue creating and writing stories, that hopefully readers will want to read.
For now, I’m pleased that I was able to meet the challenge of writing three novels as I am a member of Romance Writers of America and want to be seen as a serious writer.
Desperate Decision by G.E. Taylor
Allison North’s flight to freedom is dangerous and desperate. As she scrambles into the stranger’s car crying “drive,” she prays to God this is not her last day on earth. Usually not a gambler, this move is high-stake gambling. Bruised, battered, and with no money, she needs a place to hide and heal until she finds work as a pastry chef. When the stranger offers her shelter, she takes it even as fear rushes up her throat and threatens to choke her. Would she live to regret her decision?
Mason Franklin cannot believe his eyes but, with her urgent cry ringing in his ears, he presses the gas and the car leaps forward. What had possessed her to do such a dangerous act? He intends to find out. But no amount of probing loosened her tongue. Just when he decides to let her go, he accidentally sees her bruised body. Angry that someone did that to her made him want to meet the coward. He offers her shelter. Under his roof, he discovers she is the pastry chef who could not only lift his business to the top, but who built up a need in him that only she can satisfy. The wild passion they share can only lead to one conclusion.
Desperate Decision is available at:
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