The 2015 Romancing the Novel Published Authors Contest, sponsored by Hearts through History Romance Writers, RWA Chapter #189, was conceived to award excellence in published—especially historical—romance fiction. The contest is judged by avid readers of romance.
Eligibility: Entries must be received by June 15, 2015. Novels and novellas must have a copyright of first printing date of 2014, regardless of format. Entries must be entered in electronic format (PDF, Kindle, or epub). No print copies can be accepted.
Prizes: The winners of each category will be included in a full-page RWR advertisement, plus as follows:
Full page ad in InD'tale magazine
Press Release from HHRW to winners’ local newspaper
Press Release to yet-to-be-determine review sites
$25 Facebook (or similar) gift certificate to winners in each category
Entry Fee:
$20 for Hearts through History Romance Writers members
(RWA members may join HHRW by paying $45. This includes $25 for annual dues, plus a reduced member entry fee of $20.)
$15 for each additional entry for HHRW members
$25 for other RWA members
$20 for each additional entry for other RWA members
$30 for non-RWA members
$25 for each additional entry from non-RWA members
Submission: Authors must provide a DRM-free digital copy of the entered book/s, which will not be returned.
If a category does not receive at least 5 entries, the category will be merged with a similar category. The author will have the option to choose another category. If the author chooses to withdraw the books, entry fees will be refunded.
Categories: HHRW is all about history. Therefore, the historical romances have several defined categories as follows:
Colonial/Civil War/Western
Post-Victorian/WWII/up to 1960
Historical Inspirational
Time Travel/Historical Paranormal
Historical Young/New Adult
Historical Novella (less than 40,000 words)
Best First Historical Romance Novel
Other Categories:
Romantic Suspense
Paranormal/Fantasy/Futuristic/Time Travel
Young Adult / New Adult
Novella (less than 40,000 words)
Best First Romance Novel
Entry Form
The entry form is located here: Romancing the Novel Published Authors Contest 2015 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Q4mLQ1OtTHIfL0ugrO3nhPk1o5uiEvxX7rdCTpUel6k/viewform (http://tinyurl.com/l8twacu http://tinyurl.com/l8twacu)
Please submit a separate form for each book entered. The email address to submit your digital DRM-free book will be provided once your entry form and payment are confirmed.
Judging: All entries are judged by avid readers of romance. There are four judges for each category. The lowest score will be dropped to determine the final score, however, ties will be broken using the dropped low score. After the dropped low score is used, if there is still a tie for first place, a joint win will be offered.
Digital books will be given to the judges as a “thank you” for judging. Scores and finalist placement are not revealed. Score sheets are not returned. The decision of the judges is final.
NOTE: The entry form must be sent electronically, together with a DRM-free copy of the book/s entry. The email address for books will be sent later in an "Entry Confirmation" email.
The Process
Please send entry fee/s by PayPal to treasurer@heartsthroughhistory.com mailto:treasurer@heartsthroughhistory.com. Please ensure that your name, book title and the category of your entry is in the comment section of your PayPal payment. If entering more than one book, please send entry fees in a single payment (as above) with the titles and categories (if different) in the comments section. You may pay by debit or credit card, your through your own PayPal account.
Winners will be informed via email at the close of the contest, when all judges have reported their votes. Winners will be publicly announced in Fall 2015. Prizes (as detailed above) will be awarded in a timely fashion following the public announcement.
More Info: vp2 at heartsthroughhistory dot com
Takeaway Truth
Someone will win. Maybe it will be you...but only if you enter.
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