Thursday3Some: Confederado do Norte by Linda Bennett Pennell

I'm enjoying my morning cup of java with southern author Linda Pennell.

Meet Linda Bennett Pennell

Linda has been in love with the past for as long as she can remember. A native of Georgia, Linda finds writing about the people and places of the South is a little like writing about a part of herself. She says: "Southerners value a good storyteller, and it is my goal to follow in that tradition."

(Since I too am a Southerner, I understand exactly what Linda means and agree with her about the tradition of storytelling.

My earliest memories are listening to my grandfather tell stories as we sat on the porch after supper.)

Find Linda Online




About Confederado do Norte by Linda Bennett Pennell

Set during the aftermath of the American Civil War, Confederado do Norte tells the story of Mary Catherine MacDonald Dias Oliveira Atwell, a child torn from her war-devastated home in Georgia and thrust into the primitive Brazilian interior where the young woman she becomes must learn to recreate herself in order to survive.

When did you write Confederado do Norte?

My title evolved during the research phase before one word of the novel was written. I wanted to use the word Confederado, but I needed to distinguish my novel from the handful of academic monographs on the subject. Confederado do Norte translates as Confederate from the North. Since our neighbors in Central and South America have historically referred to the United States as the Colossus of the North, Confederado do Norte seemed right to describe my main character.

What was the spark that gave you the story idea?

I knew from my college studies that some Southerners immigrated after the Confederacy's defeat, but little else. As the sesquicentennial of the American Civil War drew near, an article about Brazil's Confederados and their descendants appeared in a magazine to which I subscribe. I learned that one can still see Confederate gray uniforms, antebellum ball gowns, and the Stars and Bars on display during festivals hosted by persons with Anglo surnames. That tidbit led to research that gave a fuller understanding of the people who chose immigration rather than live with Reconstruction. While I do not agree with their choices before or after the Civil War, I found their story fascinating.

Why do readers buy Confederado do Norte?

My readers are drawn to historical fiction, suspense, and of course, romantic elements. If you like your historical fiction flavored with suspense and spiced with a touch of romance, you've come to the right place!

Buy Link for Confederado do Norte by Linda Bennett Pennell

Amazon Kindle Edition of Confederado do Norte

Takeaway Truth

A little vacation can always be found between the covers of a book. Buy a book today for a getaway from the mundane.


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me, Joan! I love what you've done with the blog page! It is lovely and fresh!

    1. Thanks, Linda. It was a pleasure learning about your new book. Good luck for great sales.

  2. I love the background you've provided for your story! It's fun, isn't it, to have a newspaper article or a billboard, or something else very minor in scope, suddenly overtake your life and not leave you alone until you've used it in a story? Looking forward to meeting you in San Antonio.

    1. Hello, Becky. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  3. I couldn't agree more, Becky! Ideas for stories are all around us. All we must do is be open to them. Thank you for dropping by and looking forward to seeing you as well!

  4. As someone who grew up in the UK and now lives in Australia I find this history fascinating. Best of luck with sales with your intriguing book..

    1. Hi, Maggie. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  5. Thank you, Maggie! Having grown up in The American South with tales of our Scots and Scots-Irish ancestors finding the Blue Ridge Mountains reminded them of home, I love historical fiction set in the UK and our cousin nations, A.K.A. Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

  6. Excellent interview and Intriguing storyline! Good luck with sales, Linda :)

    1. Good afternoon, Joanne. Thank you for visiting today. Come back soon.
