Yep, there I am beneath a pile of packing boxes. My weekend home which was designed to be an escape from city life is cluttered up with boxes of stuff.
My writing files and personal files that I might need between now and the move back to Houston are here -- somewhere. So are the contents of my big pantry that ended up here stacked in boxes because my big pantry here is overflowing with food.
So is most of the sentimental stuff I had stored in the attic that I probably should have given to a charity if the kids hadn't wanted it. The house looks like one of those you see on Hoarders.
But Wait There's More
The worst thing is that I can't find anything when I need something. I've moved boxes from one spot to another in futile searches. Actually, that's not the worst of it.
The worst is that coinciding with the move was the migration to this new blog design and URL. I just didn't have the time to do that, but I felt that I had to proceed since I'd announced the changeover date. Oh, how I wish I hadn't done that. There are problems with the template that I can't get resolved, and, of course, since the URL changed, I've lost most of my traffic.
Don't you hate it when the instructions to do something just don't work?
Don't you hate it when you do something for the right reasons, and it turns out to be a terrible mistake?
Switching To My Southern Voice
"I swan, I'm this far (that's the width of a strand of hair) to puttin' everything back to the way it was -- including the URL."
AAAGGGHHHH! (That's me screaming in frustration.)
Takeaway Truth
Thanks. Now that I got that out of my system, I think I'll have a big glass of merlot and go watch TV in bed while I consider my options.
Bless your heart! Remember the words of Thoreau - simplify, simplify! Sorry you had such a hard time - Slingwords is still fantasic!
ReplyDeleteThoreau definitely knew what he was talking about. I'm going to simplify a lot more things in my life.