(This article previously appeared on Writing Hacks, my subscription newsletter for writers. Subscribe today if you'd like articles like this as soon as they are published.)
Here are 3 habits that you can use to help you though.
1. Think Long Term.
You need to develop a marketing strategy that focuses on long term goals. Becoming a "name" or selling a 10K books this month isn't going to happen overnight. Be patient and write some achievable goals designed to help you increase your name recognition and awareness of your brand. Start with one thing, i.e., blogging every day, and build your brand. Or decide Twitter will be your go-to network to build your brand. Learn all you can about it. You can't possibly hit every social network and be effective. So decide what is doable for you.
Make a plan. That old axiom still applies: Plan your work; work your plan. Be consistent. Be patient. Be in it for the long haul.
2. Know your brand.
Yeah, you there. What is your brand? What kind of writing are you known for or want to be known for? You need to give a lot of thought to this because it's virtually impossible to market yourself and/or your work unless you know what your product is. If you honestly don't know how to market your work, then find an author who writes a similar book. See how they market themselves. Emulate. Don't copy. Con't try to be that author. The world doesn't need another Nora Roberts or Amanda Hocking or Joe Konrath. Besides, you'll never be anything but a pale imitation so it's always best to be you.
Be yourself, but learn how to present yourself and your work. Once you've discovered or determined your identity as a writer, decide how you're going to get that point across. Then at every opportunity, display your brand online and in the real world.
3. Increase your visibility.
You must be noticed. No one will want to find your books if you sit quietly in a corner. Investigate low cost ways that make a big impact. Write articles, book reviews, blog, guest blog, comment, speak up, Tweet, Facebook, attend writers club meetings, network. There are thousands of ways to get noticed online and in the real world.
Figure out what you can do that's just a step out of your comfort zone. You see, you have to step out of your comfort zone to grow. If you're not satisfied with your sales numbers or your career growth, you must do something different because if you keep doing the same old thing, you'll keep getting the same old results.
Takeaway Truth
This is the year to do something different. Take action. Discover your writer identity. Draw up a plan. Get moving now.
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