The bride's "to do" list, i.e., kiss a bald man on his head, obtain a stranger's boxers, and other, ahem, intriguing tasks, were great fodder for a romance novelist like me!
We--the lively bunch of friends and family (all female of course)--laughed like we'd never heard jokes before, swapped stories and a few lies, and generally ate too much. In short, we had a great time.
Ah, parties. I love parties. They always remind me of this tee shirt slogan from my youth: "Live for today; plan for tomorrow; party tonight!"
Takeaway Truth
Hear no evil, speak no evil--and you'll never be invited to a party. Only 2 weeks to the biggest party of all. The wedding!
Congrats Joan to you and your daughter! I got married last spring and totally understand the whole process.
ReplyDeleteTake Care!
Hello, Jaime! So nice to hear from you. Thank you. She's happy, and we're happy for her.