First, let me say that reports of my escape from the Blogosphere are greatly exaggerated. Yes, I'm gone, but it's not my fault.
Marvelous SBC servers for my region exploded or imploded or something last Wednesday. Suffice it to say, I have no internet until further notice.
So I went traveling. I'm at my Mom's and managed, via the archaic utility known as DIAL UP to get to the Internet where I am now posting this excuse - I mean apology.
I'm traveling around and making notes and taking pictures of whatever strikes my fancy. It's all fodder for the writing muse, isn't it?
Plan to be home next week sometime. In the meantime, I'll post whenever I can log on and try to send some nice pics.
So here's my first attempt at sending a travel picture. This was the main street, also known as Highway 15, in Mangham, Louisiana, on Flag Day. The photo doesn't do it justice. Flags stretched in both directions in the small town. Patriotic events are very important in small town America, and most towns I passed through had flags flying.
Sling Words out.
Welcome back, even if it's via dial-up.