October Update of 24 for 2024

I think it's about time for an update of my 24 for 2024 Plan.

I've given updates on my Plan, focusing on 3 or 4 elements in my Plan. If you're interested, here are my previous posts:



In June, I developed my If-Then Plan which has been the best tool to aid me in using my time more effectively. It helped me change my thinking so that I always had a way to take action.

An IF-THEN plan works like this. IF blank happens, THEN I will blank. In other words, you make a plan for the curve balls life throws at you so you'll know what to do when you can't do something the way you'd planned. Here's an example.

If the electricity goes off, then I will draft chapters using my AlphaSmart and upload what I've written when power is restored. 

Yep, the If-Then Plan is a success tool that's easy. It just takes a little thinking and planning.

For the rest of the summer and into September, my focus was on formatting several books for uploading to multiple booksellers. 

In September, I tackled another long-delayed item that's been on my To Do list since we moved into this house in 2021.

This was completing my design/sewing project for the drapes and window treatments for all the bedrooms. I finished it! Hurray!

I still haven't decided what I want to accompany the wood blinds in the "public" rooms of the house. That willl go on my list for 2025.


I didn't get a lot of writing done in the last 3 months, but I'm okay with that since I made significant progress on the tasks I did undertake. I still have those 4 finished books that I need to get published so that's going to take up much of my time this fall.

How are you doing with your own personal list of things you wanted to accomplish? Leave a comment and inspire me to do better. *g*


I feel the pressure to get those finished books published so wish me luck because my newsletter subscribers are waiting to hear that a new book is available for pre-order.

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