I Voted This Morning

Early voting in Texas started today. Darling Hubby and I figured it would be a big turnout. We decided not to be there at 7AM.

At 8:25 AM, we arrived at the polling place and joined the crowd. It really was a crowd inside the very large room set up with about 32 voting machines.

The queue made about 6 "loops" from the back of the room to the front, but it was orderly. Everyone seemed cheerful and happy to be there.

One hour and 10 minutes later, we exited the room after voting. By then, the line was nearly twice as long as when we arrived.

I pulled my "I Voted" sticker from my shirt and stuck it on my keyboard.

Voting is a privilege and a responsibility. The responsibility lies with you—research the candidates beyond the sound bites and mud-slinging you hear from TV, YouTube, celebrities, and those who obviously have a dog in the fight. Find objective analysis which can be hard. 


Discover the truth and vote for the candidate you think will be best for that position—from the highest office to the local school board and college trustees. 

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