Texas Summer in the Country

The August heat finally burned away the effects of the drenching downpours we had in Texas beginning in May.

All in all, it's been cooler and much less humidity in the country than in town. That's why we've spent most of every week at our house in the country.

Of course, that means I've spent very little time blogging, writing, or engaged in other authorly pursuits. Sigh. I'm terribly behind in everything, but I have really enjoyed the summer.

After all, the Dalai Lama once said, "The purpose of our lives is to be happy."


If you want a quotation from a less lofty source, how about what Ferris Bueller said in Ferris Bueller's Day Off? "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

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Who Reads and What Do They Read?

Get ready to be surprised with the results from 2 reading surveys—Wattpad and Library Journal—about who reads, what do they read, and how do they find the books they read.

Respondents were asked about movies and other forms of entertainment too.

Respondents were classed by age groups: GenZ, Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers.

To refresh your memory, here is a breakdown of these age groups:

GenZ: Born between the late 1990s and early 2000s. They are about 20% of the U.S. population.

Millennials: Born between 1981 and 1996. The oldest millennials are turning 43 this year. They are about 21% of the population.

Gen X: Born from the mid-1960s and the early 1980s. They are sometimes called the Forgotten Generation. (They are better educated than older generations, and they are the first generation with more college-educated women than men.)

Boomers: Born between 1946 and1964. They are 20.9% of the U.S. population and were the largest group until about 2019 when Millenials began overtaking them. I'm fairly certain that's because Boomers started dying.


What subject matter do you look for in choosing books and other entertainment?

Gen Z: 70% said diversity is important.

Millennials: 82% said diversity is important

Gen X: 57% said diversity is important.

Boomers: 60% said diversity is important.

Where do you go for book suggestions?

Gen Z: 72% BookTok, BookTube

Millennials: 68% BookTok, BookTube, Celebrity Book Clubs which was cited by 26%

Gen X: 64% get recs from friends and family

Boomers: 70% get recs from friends and family (Celebrity Book Clubs attracted only 6% of this group)

How popular are webnovels, ebooks, and webcomics?

Gen Z: 65% like them

Millennials: 71% like them

Gen X: Less than 50% like them

Boomers: Less than 50% like them

What is your most popular genre to read?

Gen Z: Romance, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror

Millennials: Mystery/Suspensee, General Adult Fiction, and Fantasy (Library Journal calls them voracious readers.) Prefer print.

Gen X: Reads across all genres. Read ebooks on a tablet.

Boomers: Surprisingly, most respondents in this age group read books in any format: print, digital, and  audio. Respondents to Wattpad showed little genre fiction with the exception of Mystery. Top choices here were History, Biography, and other Nonfiction. The Ebook friendly survey showed 61% prefer fiction with nonfiction subject matter of Crafts and Hobbies.  Libary Journal showed 43% prefer Thrillers.

For more information, check out the more detailed survey done in 2023 by ebookfriendly which compared 5 generations of reading habits.


What is the takeaway? People still read. If you're an author, you probably want to consider the genre and format in which you publish if you're trying to attract readers of a particular age.


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Review - The Union on Netflix

When I saw the trailer for The Union, a Netflix original starring Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry, I thought it might be a cute Saturday evening flick.

I'm sorry to say I was disappointed.

I like Ms. Berry and Mr. Wahlberg and have enjoyed their performances in other movies, but this film, the latest entry in the genre I call "clueless guy and hot chick with killer skills"  was a miss.


In 2020, Netflix purchased the pitch for Our Man from Jersey which became The Union). The screenplay was adapted from a story by Stephen Levinson.

Joe Barton and David Guggenheim wrote the screenplay.

Netflix had Berry and Wahlberg lined up for the film, and 2 years later, they added J. K. Simmons, Jackie Earle Haley, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jessica De Gouw, and Alice Lee to the cast. They also had minor parts for Lorraine Bracco and Dana Delaney.


Mike is a blue collar construction worker from Jersey. Roxanne is his old high school girlfriend who is now a U.S. intelligence agent with The Union, a super secret organization that saves the world without anyone knowing.

After Roxanne's entire team is wiped out in a mission, she goes back to Jersey to recruit Mike for a mission because he's someone she can trust even though she hasn't seen him since high school.


The movie is supposed to be a mashup of spy thriller, comedy, action, and romance. Obviously, it's set up to be a franchise, but Netflix has a hit or miss record with their originals. For me, this just didn't work. 

Here's why:

(1) It's dumbed down. I simply was not able to suspend disbelief in the plot or the world of  The Union.

(2) Some scenes should have been re-shot. In one scene, the characters are shooting pool. When Berry shoots, you hear balls dropping into pockets even though the cue stick in her hands wobbles as she's making the shot. That's just sloppy film making.

(3) The plot and characters were generic. Of course the two main characters were going to hook up. Of course they were going to survive and accomplish their mission. It was a paint by numbers story with no surprises.

(4) Best thing about the movie? J. K. Simmons who could probably read the phone book and make it sound interesting. Also, Lorraine Bracco was amusing in a role she's played since Rizzoli and Isles.

(5) Her hair style. Okay, this is trivial and has nothing to do with her acting or the story,  except to make her look edgy I guess. Perhaps it's the director's idea of a woman who looks tough, or maybe he didn't want Halle Berry's beauty to shine through.

In the movie, she has a section of bleached blond straight hair attached to the crown of her head that sweeps down the side of her head and brushes her cheek. 

It doesn't look real—it looks like a freaking hair piece sitting on top of her head! In some shots, you can see what her usual cute pixie style beneath.

*Sigh* I freely admit that my standards for storytelling are probably different from the general public's because I am a writer. 


If you watch this movie, leave a comment and tell me whether you agree or disagree with my review of The Union—but please be polite.

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Monday Magic - Google Alerts

Good Monday Morning! Today's free app for your digital world is Google Alerts.

Google Alerts has been around more than 20 years, but they're now better than ever. If you're not using them to monitor your name, persona, or product, you're missing out.

I have Google Alerts set up on my name, each book title, and a few other items that I want to monitor for online activity.


(1) You need access to a Google account to set up an alert so you might as well login to your google account first.

(2) Then go to Google Alerts. If you are already signed into Google, it will automatically fill this in with details of your Google email address.

(3) In the Search box, type in the keywords you want to monitor including any common misspellings you can think of.

(4) Enter the email where you’d like to receive Google Alert Notifications. If you want to receive alert notifications to a different email address, you will need to sign out from your Google Account first.

NOTE: I receive notifications at a non-Gmail addy, but it might be a little tricky to get it set up.

(5) You can Toggle the search and show options settings so click “Show Options” to get a list of settings for your Google Alert.

(6) Click "Create Alert" and it will go live.

The website Mention has in-depth information about this subject, How to Set Up Google Alerts, that will tell you virtually everything you need to know about the subject in a format easier to understand than what you'll find on Google itself.


If you post anything somewhere on the internet, I encourage you to set up Google Alerts. If you do, let me know if you find this information useful.

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Social Media Truths to Remember

A couple of days ago, I wrote Friday Facts About Twitter.

I ended up writing a super long post and decided to cut out the bottom part of it which contained my personal thoughts about social media.

Lucky you. I thought I'd post the part I removed from my Friday post here for Sunday Thoughts.


Social media can be fun, but that's what it should be limited to—entertainment. Sure you can gather some interesting information sometimes, but do your own research. Don't blindly take what you see on social media as the truth. Much of it is wrong, completely false, dangerous, or illegal. I'm thinking of the social media challenge to steal a Kia and post the video of doing that.

Serously? That's just nuts, but a lot of people did it. In Texas, there was one that went around a couple of years ago where users were challenged to go into a store, open a container of ice cream, and film themselves licking the ice cream, replacing the lid, and returning the container to the freezer. How gross is that?

Young people who seem to be the target audience for stuff like this don't realize that taking part in stunts like this means manufacturers must incur more expenses in packaging products to make them tamper-resistant which translates into higher prices. Aren't prices high enough?


Okay, I have more than 1 problem with any social media. Here are a few:

(1) The AI that "runs" social media feeds you more of what you're already looking at which doesn't mean it's truthful.

(2) No one should use social media as the sole source for news, medical information, or other crucial information.

(3) No one should believe everything they see or hear on social media because most of it is created to bait you, using your interests and emotional response, into clicking on it so don't be a sheep.

(4) No one should think social media "friends" or followers and their opinions are more important than the real people in one's real world.


Think for yourself. You have a brain. Use it. Don't let social media do your thinking for you. Form your own opinions based on your values or at least on what's legal and illegal and can ruin your future. Avoid  kneejerk responses to content designed to get you upset and angry. That's giving power to a social media audience that it doesn't deserve.

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Saturday Share: My 30 Day Total Gym Challenge

On August 1, I started a 30 day Total Gym Challenge. I'm not competing with anyone but myself, and I'm not doing this for anyone but myself.

I decided to challenge myself because I've had difficulty regaining the muscle mass I lost two years ago when I was felled by an "unknown pathogen" according to my labs.

Getting stronger and regaining muscle was one of my 24 for 2024 goals. I lost patience with how slow the process was going and decided to give it my full attention this month.


I decided to use the Total Gym my Darling Hubby works out on every week. The one he has is almost identical to the one pictured above. That man can do a workout routine I'll probably never match.

I started with the Beginner Startup Program of 19 exercises. The first day I managed 4 of those exercises with 3 sets of 15 reps each. I was shaking by the time I finished and showered. I could do nothing else the rest of the day due to complete exhaustion.

I guess my will power is stronger than I thought because it was sheer will power that got me through the next few days. In that first week. Every muscle in my body ached. I worked out, showered, and collapsed each day. BUT, I persevered. Well, I also broke down and bought something that helped more than I believed possible.


I was thinking about skipping a few days because I had so much muscle soreness, aching joints, etc. One morning I saw a YouTube video about electric vibration plates that were touted to help everything from toning muscles to relieving fibromyalgia pain to lymph drainage, etc.

When I read that it helped athletes overcome injuries and deal with sore muscles, I decided to try one so I did a lot of research. I needed one that would allow my husband and his size 12 feet to stand on it comfortably.

I also wanted one with 3D vibration, not just vertical vibration, as well as one powered by electricity but with a remote to operate it without having to use the buttons on the unit.

I wanted a unit with enough positive reviews to know it wouldn't fall apart in a few weeks. Cost was another consideration. The one I'd seen in the YouTube was nearly $500.00.  The one I settled on was $99.00. It was the Blue Fin Fitness Ultra Slim 3D Vibration Plate that fit all of my requirements.

Amazon delivered it a week later, and I was relieved to find that it wasn't flimsy plastic but something that felt substantial. It's easy to use and light enough to pick it up and move it easily. I parked it in front of the TV and watched music videos while I vibrated from head to toe for 10 minutes. When the cycle was finished, I stepped off and was stunned. The muscle aches were gone. Gone!


I feel as if I hit the jackpot and won big. A few days ago, I started using my desktop computer again instead of my laptop in the recliner. 

Now I use the Blue Fin for a few minutes each hour when I take a break from sitting. I use it a half hour before bedtime, and I sleep better. 

Gone is the knee pain I had. Gone is the sciatic pain in my left leg. I don't know if it was from the Total Gym or the vibration plate or both. I'll keep doing both.

When I went to Amazon to get a picture of the Blue Fin, I discovered the price had increased from $99 to $330! Talk about sticker shock! I'm sure there are other less expensive units. If you're interested,  shop around and compare according to the factors important for you. If still too expensive, put it in your Wish List so you'll be notified if the price drops.


Now, 15 days later, I enjoy exercising on the Total Gym. I don't have to exercise will power to do it. I love, love, love the electric vibration plate which was the biggest surprise of all. I'm thankful to be feeling better than I've felt in 2 years.

Joan participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, affiliate advertising designed to help websites earn advertising fees by linking to products on Amazon. If you click an Amazon link in her post, she may receive a small commision at no extra cost to you.

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6 Friday Facts About X aka Twitter

Everyone has an opinion about Twitter since Elon Musk acquired it. I thought I'd do a little research and see what has really happened to the popular social medium.

Personally, my only quibble is renaming Twitter to X. I understand Mr. Musk's branding reason for doing that, but I can't seem to call it anything but Twitter.

Also, the cute little bird icon for Twitter was much more appealing than a big black X.

When I see the platform constantly labeled as "X, formerly known as Twitter," I realize I'm not the only one averse to calling it X. However, I'll attempt to call it X in this post.


(1) 2024 X algorithm focuses on what Elon said he'd do: "promote content from a  diverse range of voices in an effort to ensure a  more inclusive and representative feed."

Diversity of viewpoints means liberal and consservative, straight and gay, Christian and non-Christian, reasonable and unreasonable, etc. I look at it this way: if a Tweet irritates, move on. It's like real life. If you don't want to see or hear those you think are obnoxious, unreasonable, or whatever, then avoid them.

In June, X began allowing users to post adult and graphic content. Users can post consensually produced NSFW—Not Suitable (or Safe) for Workplace—as long as it is prominently labeled as such. The new rules also cover AI-generated videos and images. In announcing that, Elon tweeted: "but what we enforce against hasn’t changed." Hmm. I'll definitely turn on the "hide adult content" button.

(2) 61.2% of X users are male. 38.8% are female.

(3) X is among the top 6 social networking apps in the United States. 

(4) X has over 600 million users monthly worldwide with 50.5 million of those in the USA.

(5) Over 200 million people worldwide use X each day. 

(6) X is preparing to make “likes” private on the social network. 

To be honest, I'm not on Twitter enough to see if this has happend yet. According to X employees, the decision to hide likes is meant to encourage engagement by allowing people to favorite content that seems “edgy” when a "like" might subject them to becoming prey for trolls who disagree with that content. For those in the public eye, it's supposed to protect their image.

If 'likes" become hidden, you will be able to see who liked your posts, replies, etc. but you won't be able to see the people who liked someone else's post.


As an author, I don't think Twitter or any social media in and of itself can sell books. I know I've never bought a book, or anything for that matter, because I saw it on Twitter.

What a daily presence on any social media can do is make users of that social media aware of your existence as an author and possibly of your books. 

That is, if the social media algorithm allows your tweets, posts, or whatever to be seen by enough people. In today's world that usually means paying a premium for that option. What would probably serve you better is to write and publish more books.


I know a lot of people left Twitter, but it seems as if a lot stayed and more joined them. If you enjoy using Twitter, then keep doing it, but manage the time suck well.

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Best August Quote Ever From Jane Smiley

I just had to share this quote with you because it's so perfect for this oven we call August.

Jane Smiley said, "Leaving any bookstore is hard, especially on a day in August, when the street outside burns and glares, and the books inside are cool and crisp to the touch."

Wow. That brings back memories. When I was a kid, I spent many a summer afternoon in the public library because it was cool and comfortable.

We didn't have bookstores in my small town. We also didn't have air conditioning at home. Spending the afternoon in the library was sheer delight. So was selecting a stack of books to check out and starting to read one of them while seated at the big oak table.

Of course, like just about everyone in Texas, we have air conditioning so I don't have to resort to hanging out at a bookstore or library. In fact, I can get any book I want downloaded to my Kindle in a matter of minutes and start reading it.

I must admit though that I miss hanging out at the library or the bookstore where I spent most of my spare bucks after I became an adult. There was something special about the smell of the books in the stacks, pulling a title from a crowded shelf, and stroking my fingertips over the words on the heavy paper used to publish books back then. 


Of course, the joy of settling onto a comfortable chair to read about exotic places and people who were larger than life is still there. Reading is a solitary but profound pleasure. I feel sorry for those who don't read because they don't know what they're missing.

Seize the book.

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Monday Magic - Free App - PrintFriendly

Do you wish there was an easy way to print a document from a website, convert a file to or from a PDF, edit it online, and also sign it?

Well, there is an app for that, and it's free.

Since 2009, individuals and corporations have used PrintFriendly to do all of that.

You just drag and drop or upload a file, and let PrintFriendly do its magic.

The app removes ads, sidebars, and navigation to "clean up" the webpage for printing and enables you to customize it before you print or convert them to a PDF. The end result is a clean, well-formatted printout that can save paper and ink.

This app is trusted by major corporations—you can see a list of them on the website—and an entire suite of PDF apps is offered by PrintFriendly.


This free app is one of the most useful I've found. Please leave a comment if you try PrintFriendly and find it a free effective tool.

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Romance Book Audience Surging

A few days ago, I read the latest statistics about how many readers are choosing romance novels.

I was surprised by the growth of the genre as reported in an email from Alex Newton of K-lytics

Alex publishes regular in-depth reports about the publishing industry and recently published the Romance 2024 Genre Report. If you're an author, I highly recommend you follow Alex and subscribe to his reports.


On Amazon Kindle, the romance bestseller list reached the highest-ever 6-month sales rank performance over the past 10 years.

Romance is the "uncontested #1 market" which has had an 18% increase over the last 3 years.

72% of the Top-100 most-sold Kindle books of 2024 are romance titles of which the majority of authors of these books are self-published.

Google searches for the phrase, romance books, has doubled over the last 5 years.

In the last 12 months alone, that search has increased by 16%.


I think the growth in the popularity of romance is because people are looking for something to make them feel better in these uncertain times. In the process of choosing a more optimistic genre to read, people have discovered there's more to a romance novel than they thought.

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Do Families That Dine Together Stay Together?

Setting the table was always done by one of the kids. Every night, I cooked dinner, the table was set complete with napkins, and we all sat down together.

No cell phones when the kids were teens so we actually did something unusual—we had conversations.

I was thinking about this recently and wondered how many families actually did this in today's world.

I did a little research since it's easy to find statistics about most things.

Here are some eye-opening facts about the family dinner that was a required tradition in many families of yesteryear including my own family when I was young, and the family I created with my husband. I'm happy to report that it's more often than not the tradition in each of our kids' households too.

How has family dinner time changed? Here are a few of the most recent family dinner statistics, courtesy of Professor Google and Instacart which did an in-depth survey of the subject.


(1) Two years ago, 91% of parents surveyed said their family was less stressed when they shared family meals together.

(2) 84% of adults wish they could share a meal with loved ones more often.

(3) In 2021, survey said parents who served dinner by 6:15 p.m. spent 27% more time reading to their children at night, 18% more time playing with their children, 14% more overall time with their children, and 11% more quality time with their children. (Instacart Survey, 2021)

(4) About 50% of millennials say they cook dinner from scratch, but nearly 70% of baby boomers still cook dinner at night.

(5) About 54% more are cooking dinner at home now than before CoVid in 2020.

(6) A 2022 survey found that most consumers who cook at home plan their meals in advance because it makes meal preparation faster.

(7) How long does it take to cook dinner? About 75% said it takes less than one hour, and 30% sid it takes less than 30 minutes.

Life is so frantic and rushed that taking time to cook dinner and share it with one's family is a way to slow down and smell the roses—or the spaghetti depending on what's being served tonight. 

Whether simple or fancy, take a small amount of time for yourself and your family and dine together.

You'll all look back on dinner time with fondness.


In our family, the kids still talk about dinner time with the family—especially the funny moments like knocking over a full glass of milk and everyone scrambling for paper towels—the touching moments, the conversations about family, friends, movies, books, and what was going on in the world. Looking back, I now view even the most mundane remarks as priceless.

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Review - NYPD Blue on Tubi

Let's jump in the "way back" machine and travel back to 1993 when a series that changed network television debuted. That's right, let's go back 31 years.

NYPD Blue did something no other network series had done before—full nudity of men and women with the only body part not shown being the small area a fig leaf would cover.

It also did something else—portrayed the good, the bad, and the ugly of cops and criminals and used "real" language in doing so. 

Some critics took issue with the portrayal of alcoholism among cops, racism by all characters of all colors, and the frequent nudity. I think that everything portrayed was organic to the situation.

After all these years, it is still an amazing show that doesn't feel dated despite the lack of cell phones in the early seasons.

I didn't watch NYPD Blue until it was more than halfway through its 12 season run, but I liked the episodes I'd seen. No, not because of the nudity, but because of the characters so beautifully portrayed by the actors.

When I saw NYPD Blue listed on Tubi—all 12 seasons—I immediately added it to my playlist. Even though it is now 21 years old, I defy you to find an episode that is not completely riveting, emotional, humorous, and compellingly written and acted.

Back then, the series was heralded by cops as the way it really was to be in law enforcement. The power struggles within the various departments on the police, the personality conflicts, the depression, discouragement, and, yes, desperation of dealing with people who lied, cheated, stole, and murdered—and I'm not just talking about the criminals!


From 1993 to 2005 when the show ended, law enforcement changed from typewriters to computers.

From payphones and dial phones to cell phones.

From too many arrogant cops who rode roughshod over women cops, suspects, and criminals to cops who had to toe the line and comply with new policies.

From a world of innocense to the one we have after the 9/11 attacks.


What I mean is that no one else could possibly have portrayed Andy as capably as Franz did. He was supposed to be only in the pilot episode, but his performance as was so riveting that he ended up being the series regular who, I think, was in every one of the 256 episodes.

Franz won a record-holding 4 Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series, 1 Golden Globe Award, and 3 Screen Actors Guild Awards. (He also received his first Saturn Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor for the movie City of Angels.


Another aspect of NYPD Blue was the appeal of the characters created by Steven Bochko. The characters like John Kelly (played by David Caruso) in season 1 and part of 2 and Bobby Simone (played by Jimmy Smits) who started in Season 2 were beloved by viewers as was Lt. Fancy portrayed by James McDaniel. Viewers wept when Kelly was forced by higher-ups to resign, Simone died, and Fancy was also forced out.

Each episode was unique and compelling in every way. The regular characters became like people you know. The oddballs, psychos, and creeps made you realize there are a lot of people on the street you hope you never meet.

Tubi is a free streaming service. The content changes every week. I understtand that you can also watch NYPD Blue on Hulu, Disney Plus, Fandango at Home, Prime Video, and Apple TV on a Roku device. However, I don't know if any of the other streaming services offer it free.

If you want to watch without ads, or you're already a big fan, you can find all seasons of NYPD Blue on Amazon on Amazon, and they're very reasonably priced.


If you want to see a truly great, realistic portrayal of police and realize they are just like the public they try to protect, watch NYPD Blue. If you want to learn how to create compelling, unforgettable characters, watch NYPD Blue.

Joan participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, affiliate advertising designed to help websites earn advertising fees by linking to products on Amazon. If you click an Amazon link in her post, she may receive a small commision at no extra cost to you.

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