Reminder: 2 Days Left to Enter Big Giveaway

I hope you've entered our Romance for the Holidays Giveaway because the last day to enter is November 30.

You can get extra entries, you know. There will be 7 lucky winners so check out the Rafflecopter below.

There's a lot of serious Christmas loot at stake including Kindles and Ebook Prize Packs where you choose the books you want to win!

For a list of prizes, click HERE and Shop Our Holiday Book Fair with many titles only 99 cents or FREE!

Romance for the Holidays Giveaway is sponsored by these 59 authors:

Alicia Kobishop • Allison Gatta • Amanda Uhl • Anna Durand • Anne Stone • Anni Fife •
Astrid Arditi • Bokerah Brumley • C.E. Wilson • Cailin Briste • Calinda B • Cherie Claire
• Christine d'Abo • Connie Davé • Constance Phillips • Cynthia A Clement • Cynthia
Cooke • Dakota Willink • Debbie White • Denise Devine • Donna R. Mercer • Elizabeth
Rose • Emily Leigh • Gayle Parness • Gemma Snow • Holland Rae • Holly Cortelyou •
Jacqueline Diamond • Jacquie Biggar • Jana Richards • Jeanne St. James • Jo-Ann
Carson • Joan Reeves • Joanne Dannon • Josie Riviera • Judith Keim • Kris Michaels •
Lana Campbell • Laurel Greer • Leanne Banks • Liz Durano • Maria K. Alexander •
Mary Morgan • Melissa Belle • N.D. Jones • Natalie Ann • R.M. Gauthier • Robyn Neeley
• Sahara Roberts • Siera London • Soraya Naomi • Stacy Gold • Stephanie Julian • Susan
Jean Ricci • Suzanne Jenkins • Tamara Ferguson • Taylor Lee • Tena Stetler • Victoria
Pinder • Whitley Cox

A Note About the Rafflecopter Giveaway

All winners chosen via bonus entries where they follow an author on BookBub in order to earn that extra entry will be verified with the authors. If a winner isn't following the author in the entry on BookBub, they will be disqualified.

Takeaway Truth

What a great way to start the holidays. Enter today and every day.

Saturday Recipe Share with Sorchia DuBois

If you're still feeling stuffed after the Thanksgiving Dinner followed by leftovers the next day, you'll love today's post.

My friend Sorchia DuBois, author of Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones, has a light bright salad and dressing to share.

Sorchia has a unique twist on this lighter fare. She calls it The Writer’s Scotch and Salad Diet. She'll tell you about it herself so read on.

About Sorchia DuBois

Award-winning author Sorchia Dubois lives in the piney forest of the Missouri Ozarks with 7 cats, 2 fish, 1 dog, and 1 husband. She enjoys a wee splash of single-malt Scotch from time to time and she spends a number of hours each day tapping out paranormal romance, Gothic murder, and Scottish thrillers.

A proud member of the Ross clan, Sorchia incorporates all things Celtic (especially Scottish) into her works. She can often be found at Scottish festivals watching kilted men toss large objects for no apparent reason.

Her stories blend legends, magic, mystery, romance, and adventure into enchanted Celtic knots. Halloween is her favorite time of year (she starts decorating in August and doesn’t take it down until February), and her characters tend to be mouthy, stubborn, and a bit foolhardy.

Nothing makes her happier than long conversations in the evening, trips to interesting places, and writing until the wee hours of the morning. Well, chocolate cake makes her pretty happy, too.

Visit Sorchia Online

Blog/Website * Twitter * Pinterest * Facebook * Amazon Author Page * Goodreads Author Page * Google +

Today's Writer's Scotch and Salad Diet
by Sorchia DuBois

Well, we’ve gorged on roast beast or fowl and we’ve stowed the left-overs or sent them home with departing guests. It’s time for something light and healthy, with a restorative splash to wash it down.

I do a little thing on my blog, Sorchia’s Universe called The Writer’s Scotch and Salad Diet. It consists of a salad recipe with a suggestion for a Scotch to accompany it. (Spoiler: the preferred Scotch is always my favorite though I may mention another kind just to be nice. It’s also the favorite Scotch of most of my characters.)

In my little town, fresh ingredients are hard to come by unless I grow them myself, but the Produce Nazis at my local store slipped up. I found all the bits and bobs to make this salad and dressing.

The Salad
Image: (No Att.Req)

You’ll need fresh spinach, strawberries, fresh parsley, fresh cilantro—a bit of feta cheese would be nice.

It is a good practice to add protein to the carbs—even though these are good carbs—to balance out the nutrients. You can add cheeses or sunflower seeds to accomplish that in this salad.

To rinse veggies and fruit from the store, soak for fifteen minutes to half an hour in water with about a quarter cup of white vinegar. This helps get rid of any lingering bacteria that may have accumulated on the stuff as it was picked, shipped, and processed in the dingy backroom of the grocery store.

I don’t recommend dried parsley or cilantro, though, in a pinch, I suppose it would be better than nothing.

I used a good handful of curly parsley, chopped with my hand-dandy herb chopper. I like cilantro, so I use about half a handful of that, but it will make it pretty cilantro-ey so if you don’t like cilantro, use less or leave it out altogether. You can add just a little mint if you prefer––with or without the cilantro.

Drain and tear the spinach into pieces. Slice the strawberries. Chop the cilantro and parsley. Toss them all together.

The Dressing

You’ll need white wine vinegar, honey, fennel seed, poppy seed, pepper, olive oil, celery seed, and salt.

Start with a half cup of white wine vinegar, a quarter cup of olive oil, two tablespoons of honey. Add spices to taste—you can see the proportions I used in this bowl--about a teaspoon of each. Mix and let sit for at least half an hour. Don’t refrigerate—let the flavors mix at room temperature. Add more of everything, depending on preference. A little more honey is nice. This dressing would be good with fruit salad, too.

For this salad, I prefer to add the dressing at serving time. The thing about homemade dressing—besides the fact that it contains no preservatives or sugar—is that it won’t be mixed as well as the processed dressings.

I put it out in the bowl in which I mix it with a small ladle. You can stir and dip to get a good portion of all the goodies.

The Scotch

A Speyside Scotch like a light Glenlivet or a sweet and fruity Macallan would be good. Okay, I just said that to be generous. As far as I’m concerned, no other Scotch exists besides my favorite Laphroaig.

Though I consider it sunshine in a bottle, this peated beast isn’t for everyone. Even those of us who love it describe it like this: “Its like drinking the sweat from Santa's Boot after Christmas Eve” or “like the kiss of a bearded mermaid.”

The Toast

Always toast. Here's one for this occasion.

May all of your herbs be fresh and all of your strawberries sweet, and may the Produce Nazis lose your trail in the snow.

Sorchia's Latest Book: Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones, Book 1: Zoraida Grey Series

(Book 2: Zoraida Grey and the Voodoo Queen is coming soon!)

Granny’s dying, but Zoraida can save her with a magic crystal of smoky quartz. Too bad the crystal is in Scotland––in a haunted castle––guarded by mind-reading, psychopathic sorcerers.

Getting inside Castle Logan is easy. Getting out––not so much. Before she can snatch the stone, Zoraida stumbles into a family feud, uncovers a wicked ancient curse, and finds herself ensorcelled by not one but two handsome Scottish witches.

Up to their necks in family intrigue and smack-dab in the middle of a simmering clan war, Zoraida and her best friend Zhu discover Granny hasn’t told them everything.
Not by a long shot.

Add Zoraida Grey and the Family Stones to Your Library. You'll find it at: Barnes and Noble * Amazon * Kobo * Wild Rose Press.

Takeaway Truth

Since I like Scotch, I'm going to try this salad and Scotch tonight. Try Sorchia's latest book for after-dinner entertainment.

Romance for the Holidays Giveaway

Ho-Ho- Ho! Kindle Santa is on his way!

Enter our Romance for the Holidays Giveaway from November 13-30, and you could be 1 of 7 lucky winners to take home some Christmas loot, including Kindles and Ebook Prize Packs where you choose the books you want to win!

For a list of prizes, click HERE.

Romance for the Holidays Giveaway is sponsored by these 59 authors:

Alicia Kobishop • Allison Gatta • Amanda Uhl • Anna Durand • Anne Stone • Anni Fife •
Astrid Arditi • Bokerah Brumley • C.E. Wilson • Cailin Briste • Calinda B • Cherie Claire
• Christine d'Abo • Connie Davé • Constance Phillips • Cynthia A Clement • Cynthia
Cooke • Dakota Willink • Debbie White • Denise Devine • Donna R. Mercer • Elizabeth
Rose • Emily Leigh • Gayle Parness • Gemma Snow • Holland Rae • Holly Cortelyou •
Jacqueline Diamond • Jacquie Biggar • Jana Richards • Jeanne St. James • Jo-Ann
Carson • Joan Reeves • Joanne Dannon • Josie Riviera • Judith Keim • Kris Michaels •
Lana Campbell • Laurel Greer • Leanne Banks • Liz Durano • Maria K. Alexander •
Mary Morgan • Melissa Belle • N.D. Jones • Natalie Ann • R.M. Gauthier • Robyn Neeley
• Sahara Roberts • Siera London • Soraya Naomi • Stacy Gold • Stephanie Julian • Susan
Jean Ricci • Suzanne Jenkins • Tamara Ferguson • Taylor Lee • Tena Stetler • Victoria
Pinder • Whitley Cox

Shop Our Book Fair

And while you’re stopping by, pull up a cozy chair next to our virtual fireplace to shop
for your next read at our Holiday Book Fair. Many titles are only 99 cents or FREE.

A Note About the Rafflecopter Giveaway

All winners chosen via bonus entries where they follow an author on BookBub in order to earn that extra entry will be verified with the authors. If a winner isn't following the author in the entry on BookBub, they will be disqualified.

Takeaway Truth

What a great way to start the holidays. Enter today and every day.

Big Oopsie Daisy Corrected


That's me screaming when I realized I'd uploaded the wrong file for DEAD HEAT to Amazon!

Here's the rest of the story...and what you need to do if you bought DEAD HEAT before November 21.

Oopsie Daisy

When I was a kid, one of my mom's friends had the habit of saying, "Oopsie daisy," if she made a mistake--however large or small.

Well, OOPSIE DAISY seems to apply to just about everything I do lately!! *LTKFC* (That's my invention LTKFC which means Laughing To Keep From Crying.)

Between my multiple family crises and my general burnout, I somehow finished my latest book DEAD HEAT. I managed to get it uploaded by the deadline even. Imagine my horror when I realized Sunday night that I had uploaded an uncorrected file!


I didn't know whether to toss my cookies, jump off the roof, or throw in the towel.

Instead, I took a deep breath, uploaded the correct file, and emailed Amazon to ask them to notify those who'd bought the book already that a new file was available.

Today, I heard from Amazon. They no longer give that personal touch. They sent me to a web page to learn more about the issue.

Another Learning Experience

The good news is that it's easy to download the latest book file for any ebook you own that you purchased from Kindle. It's very simple to do.

Every Amazon user has a MANAGE YOUR DIGITAL CONTENT page.

On that page, there are several options. One is AUTOMATIC UPDATES.

On the AUTOMATIC UPDATES page, you'll see this explanation:

"With automatic book updates ON you will receive the most up to date and fully featured version of the Books you own. In order to preserve your reading progress, bookmarks, notes, highlights and annotations across different versions of books, make sure that all of your Kindle devices and reading apps have “Annotations Backup” or “Whispersync for Books” turned on. If you choose to turn it OFF, you will no longer receive book updates automatically.


1. Just go to your MANAGE YOUR DIGITAL CONTENT page, look under AUTOMATIC UPDATES, and make sure it's turned ON.

2. Then go to the ebook on your device--DEAD HEAT in this case--and REMOVE IT FROM YOUR DEVICE -- it's still there in the cloud.

3. Just DOWNLOAD it again to your device. When you open it, you'll have the latest book file!

Takeaway Truth

I didn't know this! It just took a couple of minutes for me to get the new file of my book, Dead Heat, downloaded to my Kindle. If you have the old uncorrected file, please download the new one so you can enjoy the book the way it's meant to be enjoyed.

Feast Day Approaches

My daughter, son-in-law, husband, and I were just planning Thanksgiving Dinner--what we were cooking, who was invited, etc.

I imagine it was the same in days of old when plans were made for a feast day. Back then of course they had to plan early so they'd know which animals needed to be hunted and which vegetables needed to be harvested.

It's a lot easier today. We hunt turkeys at the local supermarket and also get the veggies, fruit, and other ingredients there.

Tradition Plus Experiments

I've always liked serving family favorites, but I also enjoy trying new recipes and sometimes serving something different as the entree.

This year we're having Roasted Prime Rib as the main entree, but we also have turkey for those who want the traditional.

I'm making my signature Cornbread Dressing (secret ingredient is pecans), Orange-Cranberry Relish, and Lemon Meringue Pies.

I'll probably make a cake too with a recipe from Friday Is Cake Day, a collection of cake recipes from 3 generations of my family.

This recipe book has 52 tried and true recipes--some are super easy; some are complicated, but all are delicious. Friday Is Cake Day is only 99cents!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it's focused on family and friends.

Oddly enough, it really doesn't matter if this feast is large or small. What really matters is focusing on the good things in life and sharing friendship and love on this day set aside for giving thanks.

Takeaway Truth

Wishing you all a wonderful day full of love and friendship.

New Release Pricing for Finding Fiona by Donna Fasano

Donna Fasano, a USA Today bestselling author, has a new book coming out, and she's discounting the price by 60% which means you can pre-order Finding Fiona for only $1.99.

Finding Fiona by Donna Fasano

If her husband turns up alive—she'll kill him!

Explaining to the seriously sexy cop why she hasn't noticed her husband has been missing for three days is both embarrassing and sobering. But the day Fiona Rowland lifts her head above the churning chaos of kids, carpools, and a million things to do, annoyance turns to fury...then to worry. Where is Stanley?

Having one of those wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee moments changes the way a woman looks at things: marriage, money, family, and friends. And when her best pal from high school arrives (packing her own secrets) to lend support, it turns out even the past isn't quite what it seems. Scrambling to make sense of the drama unfolding, Fiona discovers there's an upside to having your whole world turned upside down. It's easier to grab the good stuff.

A delightful mixture of women’s fiction, chick-lit, romantic comedy, and mystery, Finding Fiona has something for every reader The discussion questions included at the back of the book make this the perfect novel for book clubs and reader groups.

Add Finding Fiona to Your Romance Library

You'll find Donna's book at Amazon Kindle * Nook * iBooks * Kobo.

Takeaway Truth

Remember, Finding Fiona is discounted to $1.99 only through the pre-order period. After December 1, the price will be $4.99.

Get Heat Lightning Free Today Only

To celebrate the release of Dead Heat, Book 2 of the Outlaw Ridge, Texas series, the first book in the series Heat Lightning is free today.

The free deal goes away at midnight Pacific time so don't delay, grab it today.

Dead Heat, the second book in the series is available at New Release price until Nov. 21. Grab it quick!

Takeaway Truth

Two breathtakingly sensuous romantic thrillers at a great price--free and only 99 cents! What's not to like?

Past, Present, Future

I saw this image in my graphics file. I had downloaded it a while back from BigStockPhoto, my go-to website for images.

I like the sentiment on it and what each element means.

The Past

Too many times we get caught up in regrets and wishing we'd done something differently yesterday--or not done it at all!

If we could just put yesterday into perspective, perhaps we wouldn't worry so much. Yesterday is history. The minute that just passed is history. Accept it.

If you don't like what you did or said yesterday, accept that you can't change it. You can only change what you do today. Move on.

The Future

Unless you're psychic, no one knows what tomorrow holds. It's a big mystery and will remain so until you live it minute to minute. You can plan for tomorrow, but you better build flexibility into that plan because plans have a way of changing when you least expect it. Like Sabrina Snow, the heroine in Dead Heat, my most recent book, liked to say: Always have an option--just in case.

The Present

This minute is the present--right now--in the moment. Whoops. It's gone now. It's past. Make each minute count because time moves at warp speed. Trust me. The older you get; the faster time flies. If you're above ground and looking down at the grass--instead of in the ground looking up--then you have a gift from God. As it says in the sign above, that's why it's called THE PRESENT

Takeaway Truth

Instead of bitching, moaning, and whining over every little thing, take a long-time perspective so you can actually enjoy The Present.

Post Script

Dead Heat, my new romantic suspense, is only 99 cents until Nov. 21.

Take 5 with Pamela S. Thibodeaux

Please welcome my friend Pamela S. Thibodeaux, author of Keri’s Christmas Wish.

About Pamela S. Thibodeaux

Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”

Visit Pamela Online

Face Book:
Twitter: @psthib
Amazon Author Page:

Take 5 With Pamela S. Thibodeaux

Q1. What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to food and drink?

Pamela: Bread is by far my guilty pleasure. I love it in nearly every form….wheat, white, rye, biscuits, cookies…you get my drift. As for drink, a good Margarita never hurts but other than that I’m a wine-cooler kind of gal. Occasionally that is. My main drink is water with a glass of milk on a regular basis. Not a huge fan of soft drinks. Juice is nice too or V8 when I want something different. And eggnog during the holidays, LOL!

Q2. What's your guilty pleasure when it comes to books?

Pamela: Nora Roberts books! Any and all…romances, suspense (no JD Robb though), her Born In trilogy is by far my favorite of all time, but I also have the Three Sisters Island trilogy and ….well too many to list. Suffice it to say she is my ‘go to’ author when I want to escape into a good book.

Q3. What's the worst review you ever received?
Pamela: The worst review I ever received was actually 5 not 1. A reviewer read and trashed my entire Tempered series & the spin off novella in one fell swoop. Her remarks were so heated, she actually challenged my faith because of the stories.

Q4. What did you do, if anything, after reading that review?
Pamela: After asking her not to publish them anywhere (which she ignored) I licked my wounds a bit and shrugged it off. After all, she is the minority in a whole bunch of readers who love the books and characters.

In this business, you have to take the good with the bad and not take either personally. Reading is subjective. I’ve also had several reviews I responded politely to and those with constructive criticism help me grow as a writer.

Q5. Do you listen to music during any of the phases of writing a book?
Pamela: If you do, what kind of music. No, not at all. Except for heavy metal and rap, I love almost all music so much so that when I listen, I’m usually moving. That does not bode well for me when it comes to writing. I need quiet to be in the zone. That said, having a radio or television on in another room doesn’t usually bother me.

Keri’s Christmas Wish

Can Keri get past her angst over Christ’s birth and enjoy the Christmas season?

For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas so much she seldom enjoys the holiday.

Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?

A devout Christian at heart, Jeremy Hinton, a Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Energy Medicine Practitioner has studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities.

When a rare bacterial infection threatens the life of the woman he loves, will all of his faith and training be for naught?

Find out in Keri’s Christmas Wish.

Keri’s Christmas Wish is featured in Mistletoe, Snow and Suspense ,a collection of 5 Christmas stories for only 99cents!
These stories are by 4 Acclaimed authors and are available for a limited time for only.

Add Keri’s Christmas Wish To Your Romance Library

You'll find this book as an Amazon Kindle Ebook or as a Print Book at Amazon.

Takeaway Truth

Have you tried Christian fiction before? If not, why not broaden your horizons and try Pamela's books.

Judge A Book By Its Cover Contest Open

Writers, it's here! This year's JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER CONTEST 2017 (JABBIC), sponsored by Houston Bay Area Chapter of RWA, is now open for entries.

This is JABBIC's 13th year as the biggest, best book cover contest around! Enter your cover and be seen by booksellers and readers alike!

Your covers will be judged by booksellers around the world, and the winning cover in each category will be featured in a full-page color ad on the inside front cover of the April 2018 Romance Writers Report, the official publication of Romance Writers of America, as well as on our web site.

While the booksellers are judging, we will open up the Reader's Choice portion of JABBIC.

The Reader’s Choice Winners from each category will be featured on our web site. Last year thousands of readers logged on to view and vote for the JABBIC 2016 covers during the Reader's Choice portion of the contest!




Entry Deadline: Entries must be received by January 15, 2018

Entry Fee: $15

Eligibility: Published in 2017

Enter: The cover of your book, novella, short story or anthology published by a traditional house, self-published, ePublisher, or POD during 2017

Entry Format: Electronic files (JPG or GIF) only

Categories: Contemporary Romance, Historical, Romantic Suspense, Science Fiction, Sexiest Cover, Fantasy/Paranormal, Young Adult, and Inspirational

Judges: Booksellers around the world

Top Prize: Winners will be featured in a full-page color ad on the inside front cover of the April 2018 Romance Writers Report

For more information, entry form and rules, visit the Contest Website or contact Contest Coordinator Leslie Marshman at judgeabook @ hbarwa dot com (be sure and adjust URL).

Takeaway Truth

Winning this prestigious contest is a feather in any author's cap so enter today.

Astros Win the World Series

Darling Hubby and I were up to 4am this morning. We just couldn't go to sleep because we were so euphoric after the Houston Astros won Game 7 to take the 2017 World Series title.

Like all the games, we watched, holding our breaths and counting the outs. All 7 games were amazing. The Dodgers never gave up, and that made it a hard-fought world series.

When we finally won, we screamed and kissed and danced around. Then we watched all of the post-game celebration until we finally realized that it was nearly four o'clock.

Takeaway Truth

Just about everyone in the city was sleepy today. The parade is tomorrow, and I can hardly wait for it. Houston Strong! Whoop.

Welcome, November

Agh! The infographic at left says it all.

Only 61 days left in 2017.

Where on earth has this year gone?

61 Days Left

How will you spend each of those 61 days?

I've read that to change something--like a negative habit--takes 66 days.

I think it should be possible to develop a good habit, therefore replacing a negative habit, in 61 days.

What a perfect time to improve something that's not serving you well, and you have a built-in countdown!

So between now and New Year's Eve, use those 61 days. Start today! I am.

Takeaway Truth

Make those 61 days count!