Beach Books & Video Giveaway

Everyone is getting excited about summer! I guess we all breathe a sigh of relief when summer arrives. It's just an automatic response to longer days where we can have more fun, where life is more casual and relaxed.

If you're planning your vacation, don't forget to load your ebook reader with some good books. There's nothing like lazing on the beach and reading a book. Even if you're doing the stay-cation thing, lying in a lawn chair on the patio and reading can't be beat for relaxation.

My video Hit the Beach suggests 4 fun romantic comedies for beach reads. Hope you like the video. I'm giving away a video by Joan Reeves Production, and it's easy to enter.

Enter To Win Free Video

1. Like this video on its YouTube page and Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Or Like any of the other videos I've created that you'll find on my YouTube channel and Subscribe.

2. Post the video you like to your Facebook or Twitter then leave a comment on this post (or any Friday post--they're always about video--through June 20) with the link to your Facebook or Twitter account so I can click to visit it.

3. This giveaway is open from now, May 19, 2014, through June 20, 2014. The winner will be chosen at random from all comments and notified on or before June 23. On June 27, the winner's video will be featured on SlingWords.

That's it! I'll draw from all those who have left a comment with the link they posted to Facebook or Twitter (either a comment on this post or on any Friday video post) and award a free video of 30-90 seconds in length. If you know anything about videos for book trailers, etc. you know they're expensive to purchase so this is a great chance to get your own video.

Takeaway Truth

Have you added video to your toolkit? If not, catch up with the posts I've written about how to create a video. You'll find them listed in the right sidebar under Something To Talk About. Scroll down to Video.

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