I've accomplished some of my major goals for April. I filed homestead exemption on our new home, filed my tax return, and completed filing the mountain of papers that had accumulated since moving.
Feeling, oh, so virtuous, in completing these tasks, I decided to apply some of that energy to organizing my business so I could accomplish more.
Verna Gibson wrote: "Early in my career I felt that organization would destroy my creativity. Whereas now, I feel the opposite. Discipline is the concrete that allows you to be creative."
There's a lot of truth in this. When my office is in chaos, my brain is chaotic. I work best when everything is in its proper place, and I can find something without digging through stacks of paper or file drawers or closets.
Besides, when everything is organized, I feel as if I'm super efficient and can handle anything. Is your writing world in chaos? Try cleaning up the clutter and getting organized.
Takeaway Truth
Need to accomplish more? Get organized. You'll be glad you did.
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