Lone Star Writing Competition 2014 Now Open

Writers, start your engines... or whatever is the appropriate command for entering contest.

The 22nd Annual Lone Star Writing Competition, sponsored by Northwest Houston RWA©, is now open.

This year, a Romance Novella category, to include all sub-genres of romance, has been added.

What Makes This Contest Different

The Lone Star Writing Competition is one of the few contests where each first round entry is judged by 2 published authors plus 1 unpublished author. The Finalists’ entries will be judged by 3 industry professionals, agents, editors, and Epublishers.

  • Entry fee: $25
  • Deadline: June 8, 2014, midnight CDT
  • Finalists announced: August 18, 2014
  • Winners announced: October 4, 2014, at Lone Star Conference in Houston, TX.

For The Rules, click here.

For the Entry Form, click here.

Final Judges

Contemporary Series: rica Thompson, coordinator
  • Agent: Jill Marsal, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
  • Editor: Piya Campana, Harlequin
  • Epublisher Tara Gelsomino, Crimson Romance

Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal: Emmly Jane, coordinator
  • Editor Junessa Viloria, Random House
  • Editor Brenda Chin, ImaJinn Books
  • Epublisher Chris Keeslar, Boroughs Publishing Group

Historical / Regency: Christiana Tegethoff, coordinator
  • Agent Holly Lorincz, MacGregor Literary Agency
  • Epublisher Allison Byers, The Wild Rose Press
  • Epublisher Debby Gilbert, Soul Mate Publishing

Inspirational: Anna Katherine Lanier, coordinator
  • Agent Kimberly Shumate, Living Word Literary Agency
  • Editor Raela Schoenherr, Bethany House Publishers
  • Epublisher Nicola Martinez, Pelican Book Group

Romance Novella: Ruth Kenjura, coordinator
  • Editor Lauren Plude, Grand Central Publishing
  • Epublisher Alycia Tornetta, Entangled
  • Epublisher Cindy Davis, The Wild Rose Press

Romantic Suspense: Robin Sweet, coordinator
  • Agent Jessica Alvarez, BookEnds, LLC
  • Editor Alicia Condon, Brava (Kensington)
  • Epublisher Char Chaffin, Soul Mate Publishing

Single Title: Sarah Andre, coordinator
  • Agent Pam van Hylckama Vlieg, Foreword Literary Agency
  • Editor - Katherine Pelz, Berkley Publishing Group (Penguin Group)
  • Epublisher Pat van Wie, BelleBooks

Young Adult: J.D. Faver, coordinator
  • Agent Jenny Bent, The Bent Agency
  • Editor Niki Flowers, BelleBooks Inc.
  • Editor Annie Stone, Harlequin Teen

Need a specific answer or further information? Contact Contest Coordinator Patti Macdonald by email: PattiAnnMacdonald at gmail dot com.

Takeaway Truth

Take advantage of this chance to get your work in front of credible judges.

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