3 Myths About Blogging That Hold You Back

Feeling conflicted about blogging? Not sure it gives any kind of positive results?

Aha! That's what this post is about.


1. Blogging is dead.

It's not. A good blog can be as successful as a free subscription newsletter and help you build an audience that loves you and your product whether that's a book or gizmo of some sort.

2. No one will read my blog.

There's an audience for every subject you can think of. You just need to guide/lead them to your content. You do this by providing good content, intriguing Post Titles, getting your blog known to Google, promoting your blog URL on social media, and inviting guests to appear on your blog for which they will promote the post about them.

3. Blogging is too much work.

It's only difficult if you don't plan ahead. The smart way to blog is to plan what you'll write about each day.

 Brainstorm a generic list of ideas which you want to talk about. Then list a half dozen specifics under each subject.

If you write a post for today then also write one for a week from today. That's the basics of working with an editorial calendar and scheduling posts you write ahead of publication date.


I wrote the book on blogging. Literally. If you want to know how to make blogging easy and fun, pick up a copy of  Blog Ops: Search and Destroy Bad Blog Elements, Rescue Hostage Blogs, Be a Better Blogger. It's only 99¢ on Amazon, but what you'll learn from it is priceless

Joan Reeves participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a way for websites to earn advertising fees by linking to products on Amazon.


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