Adopt This Holiday To Do List

Here's a Holiday To Do List that costs very little but pays huge rewards for givers and recipients.

1. Donate food. Many go hungry here and abroad.

2. Be present. Your presence is far more important than any present you can give.

3. Send peace. Think peace. Pray for peace. It's a sad truth that the old Latin adage: "If you want peace, prepare for war." is still true. So support our armed forces and first responders who have the difficult task of protecting us.

4. Be the light. Be a positive force in your world. Shun negativity.

5. Make friends. In a world of superficial relationships and social media friends you've never met, remember to make friends in the real world.

Takeaway Truth

Try to do these 5 things. You'll feel good, and you'll do good. You just may inspire others by your example.


  1. Now that's a list.
    All the very best to you, Joan. And all the joy of the holidays.

    1. Thanks. Wishing you all the best at Christmas and throughout the New Year.
