I Love Comic Sans

Herein I confess my affection for the typeface known as Comic Sans. Imagine my surprise when I read this Wall Street Journal article about Vincent Connare, the creator of what I think is a cute, casual looking font, and the worldwide movement to ban that same font.

Reading about the Ban Comic Sans movement makes me think these people should get a life. I mean I understand Ban The Bomb, Ban Greenhouse Warming, and other such real social issues, but ban comic sans. It's just a typeface, people. Use it. Don't use it. Big deal.

Takeaway Truth

There are real problems in the world. Find one and work on it.


  1. That's my default email font. I love it. Who cares? Ban a font? Sheesh.

  2. Hey, I'm with you guys. Of all the things in the world to abhor, a font???

  3. Fully agree. I like Comic Sans. And whatever font one use, I don't give a shit!

  4. Hey are you guys for real? Comic Sans is fine in its context - which is in comics btw - but used on law documents, funeral parlours and official signs, it's really, extremely... inappropriate (for want of a stronger word). Anyway my point is that anyone who uses CS without due regard for the marriage of content and form, or font, really needs to think about this. I mean, words are important right... so how we say them, and how they appear when typed, is important too. Right?

  5. I agree 100%! It is my favorite font and I use it for anything related to my artwork or stories! It looks a little bit like my handwriting and Comic Sans MS is like my signature font! It's an awesome font and yeah, people really should do something better than complain about it!

  6. I couldn't agree more. comic sans is a perfectly fine font. actually, its more than that, its the best font ever!!!!! if you hate it get a life, and find a cure for cancer.

  7. Comic sans isn't all bad, used in the correct circumstances it can even be good.

    I try to argue this point on my blog:


  8. Surely, you should use a font appropriate to the circumstances. We need to educate the silly folk who use Comic Sans where they ought not to. Baning a font is just daft!

  9. Surely, we should use a font suitable for the circumstances. Ban a font? NO! Educate those silly people who use Comic Sans where they shouldn't!

  10. Thank you, Malcolm, for visiting and commenting both times.

    Happy New Year!
    Joan Reeves
