National Spice Blend Day

Every day of the month is some kind of National day or Celebration day for one or more things. I was interested in learning that yesterday was National Spice Blend Day.

If you're a frequent reader of SlingWords, you know that I love to cook and bake. I normally do not measure the spices I use. I sprinkle a little of this and a little of that, and it comes out delicious. I learned that method of cooking from my Mom.

It makes it a little difficult to impart a recipe to my kids when they ask how I make something they love, but I try.

One thing I use frequently that requires no blending on my part is the Fajita Seasoning shown at left. The proper name of this unique blend of spices that contains NO sale and NO MSG—which is why we like it—is Bolman's Fiesta Fajita Seasoning.

Darling Hubby uses this in his dry rub on steaks and other meats destined for the grill. I use it to sprinkle on stir-fried veggies—everything from greens to sauteed squash, onions, and peppers. Then I add salt as needed.

Seriouslly, it gives a depth of flavor that adapts to many kinds of foods.

I buy it locally at HEB, Randall's, or Kroger, and it costs under $4.00. If you don't find it in your local store, you can order from Amazon. I've included that link. Unfortunately, at Amazon it's $9 bucks and change for a 5 ounce bottle, but it may be worth it in the flavor it adds to food.


If you're looking for a good spice blend that will season different kinds of food, you must try Bolman's Fiesta Fajita Seasoning.

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