National Read a Book Day

To paraphrase Mark Twain, "The person  who does not read has no advantage over the person who cannot read."

Today is National Read a Book Day. Are you a reader? Do you like to read? Or do you say, "I hate to read?"

In 2024, about 48% of the population say they have not read a book within the last year.

Ten years ago, that percentage of people who read a book in a year was 54.6%. Reading is down, but there are still people who read either as a primary form of entertainment or in addition to other forms of popular entertainment.


In case you're in the majority group in America who doesn't read, let me give you some facts that might make you pick up a book or download an ebook. These facts are just a few based on scientific and medical research conducted into this subject.

1. Reading can help prevent Alzheimer’s. Reading is to the brain what exercise is to the body. 

2. People who vote are more likely to take care of their health, vote, and be considered by others as more cultured.

3. Reading lowers blood pressure and alleviates stress. 

4. Reading increases your ability to think analytically.

5. Reading improves your memory.

6. Reading helps expand your vocabulary.

7. Reading fiction helps you understand others who may be different from you in terms of ethnicity, religion, country of origin, culture, etc.


Men, here's a fact for you that you may find very interesting. Men who read books are perceived by women as smarter and sexier than men who don't. If you don't have a woman in your life, maybe you should develop the reading habit.

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