Make An If-Then Plan

I want to tell you how to create  an IN-THEN Plan that will make you a winner in the arena of accomplishment.

I talked about this in June when I did the June Update on my 24 for 2024 Plan.

I was frustrated back then because of all the power outages we'd had in May and June that made it impossible to keep my desktop computer on and my laptop charged. 


Of al the things I've tried to be consistent in accomplishment, this is one of the best because it made me think outside the box.

I changed my thinking about how to take action when circumstances made it challenging.


It's easy. Think of what you want to accomplish on a daily basis and what you must have to do that. Then what are the challenges that make it hard to do that?

With those elements identified, figure out a way to accomplish your task when the ideal situation doesn't exist using this formula, if you want to call it that:

IF __________ happens, THEN I will __________.

Here's a few of the IF-THEN scenarios I created to deal with the curve balls life throws at me on a fairly regular basis.

(1) If the electricity goes off, then I will work on the short stories or chapters for a book in progress using my AlphaSmart and upload what I've written when power is restored.

(2) If I'm called away on an emergency, then I'll take a notebook and pen to draft blog posts, notes on my novel, write rough draft copy, etc.

(3) If I'm physically tired from traveling and don't feel like writing, then I'll sit in the recliner with my laptop and create graffics, transcribe notes, or do other things that may require imagination but not a lot of energy.


We all have those curve balls in life, but they don't have as great an impact if we have a plan to deal with them. Let me know if you try this and how it works for you..

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