Plan for Success - No. 2 of 25 in 2025

On this second day of 2025, Santa is probably relaxing at the beach.

(This AI generated Image of Santa at the Beach is by Wolfgang Eckert  from Pixabay.)

If Santa is hanging out in the sunshine, what are you doing today?

Many of you are packing away Christmas decorations, tidying up the house, and/or going back to work.


Yes, I had breakfast and took my second cup of coffee to the office. Obviously, my computer is on, and I'm looking at my Day Planner.

My daily planner is an actual book, not a digital planner, so it requires a writing pen and thought which brings me to my second item on my 25 in 2025 list.

Reminder: #1 - Be realistic in setting goals, planning work, or writing resolutions.

#2 - Use a day planner to be accountable and to stay on task.

Studies about reading digital content versus printed content show that more information is retained in reading content on printed paper. I think a similar corollary can be inferred about digital day planners versus printed day planners.

I've tried digital planners and calendars, but I always fall back on printed planners. With a digital planner, it's too easy to ignore it. Out of sight, out of mind.

With a hard-copy planner laying on my desk, it's a lot harder to ignore.

The 2025 Diary Planner at right is the one I've used the last few years. It's right there, on my desk, within arm's reach. 

If my goal is to be more effective in my writing career, I know I must plan well and be accountable on a daily basis.

I chose the pretty rose gold cover, but this planner also comes in a saddle leather color which I've used in the past.


To make the most of this tool, do 3 things: (1) plan each day in advance (2) as you work through the day, mark off the tasks you completed, and (3) make notes as you think of other ideas, tasks, or future projects

A good planner can help you organize your personal life as well as your professional life, but I'm going to focus on professional life use.

The time to set up today's tasks that lead to achievement was yesterday. 

That's right. When you finish your day's work, take a few minutes to look at what you're trying to accomplish.

Now, write down what you need to do tomorrow to make that happen.

There is something about physically writing down on paper that seems to make it more difficult to ignore what must be done.


If you have difficulty staying focused on what you wish to achieve and/or staying on task each day, try a day planner.

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