Happy New Year 2025

I had a late start today because I stayed up way too late on New Year's Eve—like 2AM this morning.

So I took the day in an easy way and enjoyed every minute.

In case you wondered, yes, I will be doing 25 in 2025

The list itself is a work in progress with a new item to be added every couple of weeks as I figure out what I want to accomplish this year. Today, January 1, I'll begin the list and add to it as the year progresses.

#1 - Be realistic in setting goals, planning work, or writing resolutions.

I think I must accept that I can no longer put in 12-hour days, stay up until midnight, and work as hard and long as I did  when I was 30. Duh. That should be evident, right?

But human beings tend to always see themselves as perpetually young. When I dream, I'm always about 30 in my dreams. Everyone is that way. Think about it. Do you ever see yourself in a dream as your true age or at an age-point that has passed?

Realistically, we all age. We need to accept that we're not young adults any longer regardless of how we feel physically, emotionally, and mentally.


Happy New Year. Let's make the most of this year.

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