7 Reasons to Love July

Ready for the Heat?

That's what July brings, but there are some great reasons to love July despite the heat.

Just remember to drink lots of icy cold beverages, use sunsceen, and wear a hat. It's amazing how much cooler you can be simply by covering your head and shading your face.

7 Reasons to Love July

1. Picnics
Whether you're at the beach or beneath a shade tree at the park, have a picnic this month. There's something that's so much fun about spreading a blanket and eating traditional picnic food—especially watermelon! 

2. Watermelon
This is absolutely the best fruit that was ever grown so it deserves its own listing. I could eat it every day without growing tired of it. Even though you can buy them year round thanks to imported fruits, they're just never as good as the ones picked lcoally in the middle of summer.

3. Baseball games
Here in Houston, we have the Astros (Go, Stros!) as well as the Skeeters, a minor league team in a suburban city. Then there are the college teams and baseball on TV. 

I grew up listening to the baseball games with my grandfather who tuned it in on the radio. Ah, those were the best times.

4. Incredibly long days
I love that we can sit out in the evening, and it's really not dark until about nine-o'clock. More daylight seems to mean more time for work and play. 

The perfect way to end the day is with a tall glass of iced tea or lemonade and watching the sunset.

5. Snowcones/Shaved Ice
This hot weather treat is especially good in July when the sun seems intent on baking the earth to a golden brown. I'll take a cherry snowcone please. Eating one makes me feel like a kid again when I had my first snowcone from Dominic, the Snowcone Man. 

6. Homemade ice cream
If you've never had homemade ice cream, you've missed one of the best sweets in the world. Even though I now have an electric ice cream freezer, I only make ice cream in the summer.

I guess it's habit held over from the days when we had to sit outside and turn the crank on the ice cream freezer. The melted ice poured from the overflow spout near the top of the freezer. We all took turns when we were kids.

7. Fireworks
There are so many fireworks displays in the Houston area on July 4 that we can sit in folding chairs on the driveway and watch fireworks in just about every direction.

I like the fireworks display at our place in the country best. The fireworks are setup on a platform in one of the lakes. 

We sit on our back porch, put patriotic music on, and watch the show—and it's awesome.


I know it's hot in July, but the more time one spends outside, the more one acclimates.

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