Wrapping Up November

I won't bemoan the fact that 2021 has flown by like a flock of wild ducks at sunset desperatate to find their roosting spot for the night.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and saw part of our family we hadn't seen since CoVid began last year.

CoVid seems to be as bad as a plague of zombies. It just keeps coming.

As the year winds down, make a resolution now not to let CoVid defeat you. Do what's needed to put a stop to the disease. Resolve not to let it steal your joy, your health, and your optimism.

Life is good even when it's not perfect.

The Christmas season starts tomorrow. Delight in the decoration, the kindness and generosity the season represents, and show kindness and generosity to all. Be patient. Choose to look on the bright side.

Read a bunch of Christmas romance novels. After all, Romance is the Optimistic Genre. Wallow in it. 

Here are a few of my Christmas Romances for your consideration. You can find them all on my Amazon page. Several of them are also on other retailers. I'll list them again another time with their individual buy links.

Oh, my! I didn't realize I had so many Christmas Romances!

I'll be giving away books and reducing prices on my books all December long for those who subscribe to my free newsletter.  If you're not a subscriber, sign up! You'll even get a download link for a free romance ebook when you confirm your subscription, or opt-in.

Takeaway Truth

Like they say in Hollywood, that's a wrap for November.


Photo Credit:  Image "Cup Red Coffee" by silviarita from Pixabay.

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