Rent Books? Try Booksfree!

Ebook reading offers 2 big benefits: low prices and convenience of shopping for a book at any time, day or night. But what do you do if you still prefer print books over ebooks?

There are some options for print book readers who want the benefits mentioned above. Check out Booksfree, the oldest book rental service in the country, which offers the best classics and the latest popular books delivered right to your door.

Launched in 2000, Booksfree offers low prices, great selection, convenience of web shopping at any time, and free shipping. They have delivered over 3 million titles to their members, and they're the only service that offer books and audiobooks.

Think of them as the Netflix for Books, which is what they've been called by many. Their membership levels have various tiers, but the basic level offers Paperback books, 2 at a time, with an $8.00 initial membership fee for the first Month. Thereafter it's $15.99.

You can pretty much build your membership level according to what you want and what you're willing to pay for it.

Even better, Booksfree donates overstock titles to Walter Reed Medical Center to support our wounded warriors. They also donate books to various libraries.

Takeaway Truth

Happy reading!

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