Can't Live Without (Free) Music? 3 Apps

Who would have thought that music would become so important to everyone on the planet that we would feel as if we must have access to our music at all times on all devices? Oh, those guys who developed the iPod.

In today's world, we have Smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, Smart TVs, and wrist devices just to name a few. Who knows what devices will be coming our way in the future?

3 Apps for Free Music

Pandora for Mobile Device

Everyone knows Pandora. Here at the casa, we have new Smart TVs so we put Pandora on that too. While I was at it, I put it on a tablet and a Smartphone.

Pandora lets you access all of your stations from a mobile phone, tablet, or e-reader. You can also create new stations, and rate songs using thumbs up and thumbs down. You can sync all your devices via the web.

Pandora is available for Google, iApps (you know, iPhone, iPad, iPod), Kindle Fire, Nook, Windows Phone, and Blackberry.

TuneWiki for Android

Android phones come with a music player, but TuneWiki is a nice alternative. Like similar apps, TuneWiki streams music and video to mobile devices, plays music you’ve stored on the memory card, and streams songs and YouTube videos.

The social networking features make TuneWiki different. The app shows the lyrics of the song that's playing and shows charts of music played around the world. You can post comments on the songs on the Shoutwall.

Available as a desktop app MAC and PC as well as for Android, iApps, Nokia, and Windows Phone.

Our Stage

This lovely little app for iPhones lets you stream music on the go without cost. If you like new music, this app is for you. Although it doesn't have a big inventory of "classic" music, it makes up for that by offering new music from indie and major labels as well as from unsigned bands. You can rate the new music with a thumbs up/thumbs down. Your faves are saved in a playlist. Not only is it free of charge and free of ads, but also it gives away thousands each month to indie artists with the highest user ratings.

Takeaway Truth

Free is good. Rock on.

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