Clean Out Your Computer Day

Part of being a successful writer is taking care of the tools of your trade. For most of us in today's world, that means a computer.

Since today is Clean Out Your Computer Day, it's a great time to talk about the routine maintenance one should do to take care of your PC.

Regular Maintenance

There are some basic things like ScanDisk and Defrag that one should do on a regular basis, and it's easy to schedule these tasks because these utilities come with every Windows program. Probably Mac has something similar.

Keeping your various programs updated is another routine task as is always running updated anti-virus/anti-malware/firewall software.


There are a lot of free apps like AdAware/LavaSoft and CCleaner to assist you in keeping your PC clean. One of the best choices though, for ease of use and comprehensive nature, is System Mechanic, a software I recently reviewed.

System Mechanic is moderately priced, but its reputation is sterling. I mean 45 million users can't be wrong.

Takeaway Truth

Whatever you choose to use, the important thing is to use something. Get your PC cleaned out and make it routine to keep it that way.

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