Monday Magic Free App - FlameShot

Everyone knows how to hit the PrtSc button to take a screenshot of your display.

We also know there are limitations to the built in screenshot on our computers. If you want to insert an arrow to point at something in the screen shot or highlight text, then you must open the image with software that allows you to do that.

There's an easier way, and the name of that is Flameshot.

This free app is a powerful but simple open source app you'll want to download today. Here are a few of the reasons why you might want it.

1. Fully customizable—the interface color, button selection, keyboard shortcuts, how images are saved, and more.

2. In-app screenshot editing—which means you can add an arrow symbol, highlight text, blur a section (blur or pixelate an area), add text, draw something, add a border, add a color box, and more.

3. It's easy and intuitive to use—as simple as launching the app, dragging the selection box to cover the area you want to capture, making annotations as needed in on-screen and saving the screenshot to your computer.

4. Upload to online platforms—yes, directly to the cloud so you can share with others.

5. Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


This is better than the Snip tool that comes with Windows so try it to see if you like it. After all, it's free. Think about it while you have your coffee.
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