Houston We Have a Snow Problem

After seeing video footage of the blizzard that hit New Orleans, I'm not going to complain about the 3 inches I had at my home.

This was the scene that greeted me yesterday morning at 8AM when I stepped out my front door.

Yikes. Where did all that snow come from?

Guess what, it's still here today on our roof and patio, but the snow on the garage melted.

This is so weird. It was 18° F. this morning, and I'm about 70 miles from the Gulf.

Supposedly, we will now have 6 days of rain. This weird weather makes me think of a Stargate SG-1 episode from years ago when a planet's weather device that kept it normal and regulated was stolen which brought on cataclysmic weather changes that made the planet uninhabitable.

I think someone stole our weather gizmo, and they need to bring it back!


Best thing to do in this weather? Read, read, read. If not my book, then another author's.

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