Remember the Sky 2024

Twenty-three years ago. our country was attacked. Younger Americans did not experience 9/11 as a live event.

It's up to we who lived through that awful day, when so many died, to teach those who were children too young to remember and children not yet born about this day.

Tell them how our country came together in shared grief and compassion.

Today, we commemorate that day by honoring those who lost their lives and those who responded to save others.

We commemorate and celebrate the way we all were united as Americans—not as Republican and Democrat, not as Christian, atheist, Jewish, or Muslim, not as gay or straight, not as black, white, brown, or yellow—but as Americans.


The 9/11 Memorial Museum asks you to Remember the Sky, an event created to commemorate that beautiful fall day when the world changed—not just our world, but a global change.

Today, go outside and take a photo of the sky, wherever you might be in the world—no matter what the weather may be like. 

Share your photograph on the social media of your choice.

Write a caption and tag @911Memorial and be sure to use these hashtags:

#neverforget911 and #rememberthesky

The image to the right was created by the 9/11 Memorial and Museum so use it to accompany your social media post and the photograph of the sky.

For more information, visit Remember the Sky, where you can download the commemorative at right.

Do this as a way to help the generations that follow you learn about the importance of that day so they, like their parents, will never forget.


God bless America.

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