Monday Magic - Google Alerts

Good Monday Morning! Today's free app for your digital world is Google Alerts.

Google Alerts has been around more than 20 years, but they're now better than ever. If you're not using them to monitor your name, persona, or product, you're missing out.

I have Google Alerts set up on my name, each book title, and a few other items that I want to monitor for online activity.


(1) You need access to a Google account to set up an alert so you might as well login to your google account first.

(2) Then go to Google Alerts. If you are already signed into Google, it will automatically fill this in with details of your Google email address.

(3) In the Search box, type in the keywords you want to monitor including any common misspellings you can think of.

(4) Enter the email where you’d like to receive Google Alert Notifications. If you want to receive alert notifications to a different email address, you will need to sign out from your Google Account first.

NOTE: I receive notifications at a non-Gmail addy, but it might be a little tricky to get it set up.

(5) You can Toggle the search and show options settings so click “Show Options” to get a list of settings for your Google Alert.

(6) Click "Create Alert" and it will go live.

The website Mention has in-depth information about this subject, How to Set Up Google Alerts, that will tell you virtually everything you need to know about the subject in a format easier to understand than what you'll find on Google itself.


If you post anything somewhere on the internet, I encourage you to set up Google Alerts. If you do, let me know if you find this information useful.

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