Interviewed by Marcia James

I'd intended to blog about my "Pet" interview with Marcia James, but the flood that hit the Houston area last week derailed my plans.

Fortunately, we didn't flood, but so many others did. If you'd like to make a monetary donation, do so by donating to any of the organizations that are providing food and shelter to flood victims.

Click Support Houston Flood Victims to learn more.


Marcia writes "Hot, Humorous Romances" and also writes a blog with a monthly pet feature.

For May, Marcia interviewed me about the dogs that have appeared in my books.

For the interview, I ftold her about Tiger, the golden retriever in Second Chance Bride, named after a real-life Tiger who became my daughter's companion after the surgery that changed her life.

Tiger was a wonderful dog who found a place in all of our hearts. Dogs are like that. They give unconditional love. Dogs are more than just pets. They're companions, best friends, and members of the family. They give us unconditional love because that's the only kind of love they know.


If you love dogs, check out Marcia's blog. It's delightful and will make you smile.

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