Celebrate Stay Home Because You're Well Day

Today is a long-awaited special day—drumroll please—Stay Home Because You're Well Day.

I'm not making that up. It really is a named special day, and I hope you're able to celebrate it.

Most of us who work in a job away from home only stay home if they're sick. You never have the luxury of just taking a day off to rest, relax, and regenerate.

I guess that's why this day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy who have created several rather silly "special" days to celebrate.

According to the entity that knows all, Google, the couple urges everyone to "call in well" today. I guess for most who can take a day off when they need one that would be taking a vacation day.

If you can do that, go for it. Call if a mental vacation day, self-help day, or just an escape from the never ending emails, texts, phone calls, etc. If you're already at work, maybe you can take the afternoon off.

How to Celebrate

Do sleep late or take a nap at some point.

Do have coffee with a friend or loved one.

Do visit someone you haven't seen in a while.

Do watch a movie you've been wanting to see.

Do read a book.

Do take a walk or engage in some kind of phyical activity you normally don't have time for.

Do NOT go shopping. Why set yourself for that exhaustion?

Do NOT go on social media. Take a true mental health break from the crazies.

Do NOT answer emails that may be upsetting. You know the kind I mean.

By the way, if you want to read a book that will make you smile, try JUST ONE LOOK, a zany romantic comedy that's on sale for only 99¢.

Takeaway Truth

Since it's a cold, rainy day here on the Gulf Coast, I think staying at home is a grand idea. Whatever you do, enjoy the day!

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