Collectible Books on RanchoTex on eBay

I'm working on 2 huge projects this month so blogging time is short.

Result? A drive-by blog post about my darling hubby jumping into eBay to see if he likes doing that kind of thing.

I cleaned out my library and have books stacked on my dining table, my credenza in my office, and even on the folding shelf in the laundry room.

He's put a couple of books up, but they're collectibles. There will be a lot more books to come. Whenever there are novels or books on writing, I'll alert you.

There will be a lot of reference books and collectibles, but only 3 are up now.

Takeaway Truth

If you want to take a look, just go to RanchoTex on eBay. Or click the tab on the blog to go there.

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