Make Minutes Matter

I usually post a New Year message, but this year I'm getting a slow start.

As each year draws to a close, I always look back--often wondering where those 365 days went.

That leads me to analyzing how I spent my time. Time, like money, is a commodity we all have so I try to determine if I received value in return for the time I invested in various activities.

I recommend you do the same. Analyze how you spent the days, weeks, and months of the past year. Was your time spent wisely?

If you're not happy with what you find, make a plan now to do things differently. In fact, figure out what didn't work last year. Make notes. Write down what you want out of life this year.

Notice I didn't say set goals? Goals have a rep for being impossible to keep. So just write down what you want. In fact, write it down and create a campaign as carefully as the Allied Forces planned D-Day.

Points To Consider

1. Know exactly what you want.

2. Know what it takes in terms of time commitment to achieve what you want.

3. Know what you need to learn in order to attain what you want.

4. Know what you may have to sacrifice to get what you want.

5. Know the steps you need to take to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

How To Break Down the Steps

1. If you want to achieve something by the end of the year, then what do you need to do each month to make that happen?

2. What do you need to do each week to achieve the monthly step?

3. What do you need to do each day to achieve the weekly step?

4. Every day, ask yourself 2 questions. What do I want to achieve this year? What do I need to do today to make that happen?

Every day, do at least 1 thing--no matter how small--to work toward achieving your year-end big thing, regardless of what it may be.

Takeaway Truth

You can increase your wealth, dollar by dollar, but you can’t ever add more minutes to your day. Always spend your minutes wisely.

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