Petition: Change Hospital Parking Policy For Parents of Sick Children

Some of my neighbors in our Nextdoor community posted this.

I think it's something that should be changed.

I have firsthand knowledge of how expensive it is to park at the big hospitals downtown because I've had to go there on a regular basis for my daughter.

Read on. I hope you'll sign the petition.


"After spending a total of close to a year in hospitals with our son, over the last 23 years, we are trying to get outrageous parking fees changed! Parents must pay to park every day while they are staying in the hospital with their kids. We have spent thousands of dollars, that we didn't have, to be there fighting for his life. 

So far almost 46,000 people have clicked "sign my petition," and ABC 13 News interviewed us also, because it is time to make a change.

It is so quick, less than 20 seconds to sign the petition, and it's easy. You enter your email address, but can opt out of any future emails and they do not SPAM you.

Thank you so much for helping everyone change this! My goal is 100,000 to take down and fight the Goliath TMC.

Please share and help me fight! This is a world-wide problem, you can read 6,800 comments on the petition site and it is amazing and so sad everyone that is dealing with this."

Sign the Petition.

Watch the ABC interview.

Takeaway Truth

When children are hospitalized, parents shouldn't have to worry about the expense of parking at the hospital. $15.00+ a day adds up fast.


  1. Although my son has passed away after a 23 year warrior, I am still fighting for this to happen to help others. Thank you again for sharing our change petition!
