Prayers for the Wounded

My prayers are with those injured in the shooting at the Baseball Park in Alexandria, Virginia, and with their families.

I grew up in an era when people were allowed to have dissenting opinions about most anything, without fearing they would be shot for having differing opinions.

What Is Happening to the Land of the Free

I find myself confused and bewildered by those who think it's all right to settle disagreements with weapons whether that's a disgruntled Democrat attacking Republican members of Congress or a school kid attacking a classmate he dislikes.

What's the Answer

The answer to this violence is not to ban guns or knives or whatever the handy weapon of choice might be. The answer is to banish the idea that people can't compromise and live in peace. Banish the idea that only one group knows what's best for the country, and everyone not a member of that group is the enemy.

When I went to school, what Voltaire said was deemed to be what our country stood for: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

We are all Americans. We should all cherish the idea that we can have different opinions without doing violence to each other. We should all be willing to work together for the common good.

Takeaway Truth

God bless America.


  1. Joan, love your comment:
    The answer to this violence is not to ban guns or knives or whatever the handy weapon of choice might be. The answer is to banish the idea that people can't compromise and live in peace. Banish the idea that only one group knows what's best for the country, and everyone not a member of that group is the enemy.
    Thank you.
