A Whole Lot Happily-Ever-After with Jill James

This morning, we're having virtual coffee with romance author Jill James.

Who Is Jill James

Jill James is a published author of contemporary and paranormal romance. She promises her books are a little sweet, a little sexy, with a whole lot of happily-ever-after. Jill lives in Northern California with her husband who is the inspiration behind all of her romance novel heroes.

Find Jill James Online

Email: jill at jilljameswrites dot com

Jill James Tackles the Dirty Dozen

In which genre do you write and why that particular genre?

I write contemporary and paranormal romance. Romance is my first love in reading and no matter the subgenre I will always write romance. It is a part of me.

What's your most recent book and what's it about?

The Reluctant Bride: A Lake Willowbee Novella is part of the Weddings on Main Street Boxed set.

Jimmy and Claire have been happily living together for ten years, but Jimmy wants more. He wants to get marriage-shy Claire to the altar. With the help of her family and friends, Jimmy hopes to finally wed his reluctant bride.

As an author, what can readers expect when they read one of your books?

I think my tagline truly sums up my promise to the reader. A Little Sweet. A Little Sexy. A Lot Happily-Ever-After. If at then end the reader is crying happy tears and saying,"Awww, that was so sweet" then I've done my job.

How did you "become" an author? For instance, was there a moment when you said: "I think I'll write a book."

I've always liked to write. But I started as a poet. I knew poetry doesn't sell, so that was just for me. Then, I discovered a group of romance writers online and I knew I wanted to write a book. That first one took 8 months and will never, ever (maybe) see the light of day.

What's the best thing about being an author?

To see the words on the screen become sentences, then paragraphs, then page, and finally a completed work. To take what is in my head and see it come to life.

What's the worst thing about being an author?

That I know there will be unfinished stories in my head when I go. Maybe in Heaven there will be reading circles under a tree and I can continue to be a storyteller. At least that is my idea of Heaven.

Do you have editions of your books available other than ebook editions?

Yes, Books 1-3 of the Lake Willowbee Series are in paperback and audio. Dangerous Shift, my lone paranormal romance is in paperback.

Do you listen to audio books? If so, what device do you use?

I don't, sadly. I start to zone out and start rewriting the story in my head. Bad writer habit. :)

What device do you use to read ebooks?

I own a Nook that I got the Christmas that were introduced and a Kindle that a friend gave me. I love them both very much.

If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?

I'd like to share a piece of advice from my dad. A day without learning something new is a wasted day. It can be as simple as 'aha, so that is what a gerund is' to realizing that getting from Once Upon a Time to ...and They Lived Happily Ever After is damned hard.

If you could tell readers one thing, what would it be?

I love you. Truly. My words are only ink on a page until your imagination brings them to life, breathes color into them, and let's them dance around the world.

What is your big dream (or goal) as a writer?

To make each book better than the last. To leave something behind, if only for my children, to say 'I was here.'

Buy The Reluctant Bride by Jill James

Amazon Kindle Edition

B& N Nook Edition

iTunes/Apple Bookstore


Takeaway Truth

The weekend is coming. Grab a good book and get ready for some fun.


  1. I love the interview. I am four books into Weddings on Main Street, being very properly linear (loved yours, Joan) and can't wait to get to yours, Jill.

    1. Good morning, Liz! Glad you stopped by today. In case I haven't said so in a while, I really enjoy your blog

      Oh, thanks so much--pleased you liked APRIL FOOL BRIDE. I'm linear too. Reading them one by one and enjoying the box set so much. Btw, I have your book A SOFT PLACE TO FALL in my to be read queue.

    2. Joan, thank you for having me here. Great questions!

      Liz, thank you for getting Weddings on Main Street. Hope you enjoy The Reluctant Bride!!

  2. Good interview Jill. Its nice to find out a little more about you. Good luck with sales.
