Thursday3Some: Dark Angel by TJ Bennett

On this fine summer day, I have T.J. Bennett visiting SlingWords to talk about her novel Dark Angel: A Gothic Fairy Tale.

Meet T.J. Bennett

TJ Bennett, a 2014 Romance Writers of America Rita contest nominee for her historical romance Dark Angel: A Gothic Fairy Tale, is known for her outside-the-box historical romances, smart heroines, and sexy heroes. She has won or been nominated for numerous writing awards in her fourteen-year writing career, including the Book Buyers Best, the Holt Medallion, the Golden Heart, the Rebecca, and the Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence.

Find T.J. Bennett Online

Twitter: @TJBennettauthor
Facebook: TJBennettAuthor

About Dark Angel

In this Gothic Historical Romance, a woman with a troubled past shipwrecks on a mysterious island whose master has deadly secrets of his own. Think Beauty and the Beast meets Lost.

When did you write Dark Angel?

I completed Dark Angel: A Gothic Fairy Tale, in 2011, but it wasn't published until 2013 after Entangled Publishing picked it up.

What was the spark that gave you the story idea?

I love the story Beauty and the Beast. Not the Disney version, but the original dark version of the fairytale. I wanted to explore that darkness and was halfway through writing the book before I realized I was writing a Gothic. I used to be a big fan of movies like Rebecca, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights, so I tried to build that same sense of mystery and eeriness into my story. The enigmatic hero, the spirited heroine, the mysterious townspeople, the dark, explosive secrets--I eat that stuff up!

Why do readers buy Dark Angel?

I think they are looking for the same things I was...something old school, deeply romantic, and a little bit scary. I've upped the ante by making my heroine an experienced widow instead of an ingénue, and she proves to be more than a match for my tortured, magical hero. So, a bit of the old, a bit of the new.

Buy Links for Dark Angel: A Gothic Fairy Tale

Amazon Kindle


Takeaway Truth

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  1. Thanks for the opportunity, Joan. I hope your readers find the book enjoyable.

  2. Happy to have you here today, TJ. Your book sounds compelling. Bet readers will love it.
