5 Music Sources for Videos

Today, I'm visiting with Lily Bishop. We're talking about videos on Lily's website, and I'm giving a couple of video tips. Please drop by and read my tips on Lily's website.

I thought I should offer some more tips here on SlingWords too, right? So let's talk music. A good example of matching the right music to a video is shown by two videos I produced recently. The first is Write Club Rules, my takeoff of Fight Club.

After Write Club premiered, a viewer emailed me and asked if I would take my Write Club theme and create a video for his writers' group to promote their annual contest which they call WRiTE Club. I wanted different music, but I wanted it to be upbeat and aggressive also. I hope you'll watch each video and tell me if you think the music works. Leave a comment on the YouTube page for the videos.

So today, I'm wearing my hat labeled...

Sound Editor

No movie is complete without a soundtrack thus no video is complete without the same. Music hath charms to soothe the savage video viewer I suppose. But where do you get the music?

If you are using a video service like Animoto or Vimeo, they offer music libraries to registered users. There are some good music tracks available for your videos. Oh, and once you license an audio track, if the license allows it, you can use it for any number of things. I've used purchased audio tracks in my videos and also as the background music for the introduction and closing credits on my audio books.

Something Different

Sometimes though, the music in the free libraries just don't do it for you. You can find music clips on other websites for free or for a cost that can run from low to astronomical.

Note: When you download art, video, or music, be sure to save the License Notes file or print it for each site from which you obtain the files. Save it on your computer or print it so you know how you are authorized to use the material

Music Sources for Videos

1. iStockPhoto

iStockPhoto was once just photos and illustrations. Now they offer video and audio clips. Register a free account and sign up to receive their emails. Once a week, you'll receive an email with the free download of the week for art, audio, and video. Some of the music clips you can get this way are suitable for video background music.

If you don't find some free music you want, then check out the ones that are for sale. Most are around $49.00 for royalty free music.

2.YouTube Audio Library

Chances are you're going to upload your video to YouTube. Did you know YouTube offers a free music library? Their Audio Library is found under Creation Tools if you lose the link.

3. VideoBlocks

This has got to be one of the best bargains when it comes to video and audio. VideoBlocks is a wonderful resource for the video producer. Not only do they offer video clips with a low annual membership of $99.00 but also they offer production music, sound effects, etc. All the music you need for a soundtrack can be had here. You pay the one time $99.00/year fee, and you can download unlimited numbers of video clips and music files. What a bargain! Once you download the clips, they're yours forever.

4. ccMixter

Musicians who put their work on ccMixter, do it under a Creative Commons copyright. Creative Commons, a new system, built upon current copyright law, allows you to legally use “some rights reserved” music, movies, images, and other content — for free.

(Find out more about Creative Commons.)

ccMixter offers a wide range of excellent music.

5. Free Music Archive or FMA

"The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of legal audio downloads directed by legendary freeform radio station WFMU. This project wouldn't be possible without our curators, who select and upload all the music you'll find here. Curators come from all over the world, and have a wide range of experience with good music. They include freeform radio stations, netlabels, artist collectives, performance spaces, and concert organizers. If the FMA were a radio station, the curators would be our awesomely obsessive DJs."

FMA has a well-organized site that makes it easy to search for the kind of music you think you want for your video.

Takeaway Truth

Music can make or break your video. Like the dying Knight Templar in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade advised: "Choose wisely."


  1. Hi, I hope you can check out my site.

    More Free Music Archives please click the link below!

    I also write different instrument review and other musical information like understanding musical notes. Hope this helps you!

  2. Thank you, Stephanie, for the link. Great article. However, I believe the free music websites in your article are for those who want to listen to music rather than use it in creating videos.
