Meet Elaine Violette

I'm happy to welcome Elaine Violette to SlingWords this morning.


Elaine's first published works were poetry, book reviews, and articles. In 2007, she published her first romance novel, Regal Reward, a Regency that finaled in the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf contest and received excellent reviews. Last year, her second regency, A Convenient Pretense, was published, and it "illustrates not only her ability to create emotional depth in her characters and an intriguing plot, but also her skill at writing poetry that can be both heart-wrenching and humorous."

Next month, her third novel, A Kiss of Promise which continues the story of the Blackstone brothers, will be published.

Elaine, who teaches public speaking at a community college, is a veteran English teacher with a BS in English Education from the University of Connecticut and an MS in Educational Leadership from Central Connecticut State University. She is a member of Romance Writers of America and lives on the Connecticut shoreline with her golfing husband, Drew. Elaine says that she delights in being a wife, mother, and grandmother to her six grandchildren.

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Book Details: A Kiss of Promise, Available April 3, 2014

A Kiss of Promise -- Amazon Kindle

Ellora's Cave

All Romance eBooks

Now, Elaine answers...

The Fab 14

1. In which genre do you write and why that particular genre?

Historical Romance is my favorite genre to read and the one in which I am most comfortable writing. I love the language, dress, culture, and peerage formality of England as well as the history and independent spirit of nineteenth century America. My first three novels take place in England but in the third, A Kiss of Promise, my main characters venture to America. The manuscript I am presently working on takes place in New England in the early 1800s.

2. What's your most recent book and what's it about?

A Kiss of Promise continues the story of the Blackstone brothers, introduced in my debut novel, Regal Reward. It will be released on April 3rd, 2014 by Ellora’s Cave Publishing under their Blush imprint and is presently available for pre-order on Amazon.

Adventurer Martin Blackstone escapes the stuffy rituals of England to seek his destiny in America. He leaves the scandalized Alaina Craymore behind, believing she is better off without him. Suffering under the disreputable circumstances surrounding her father’s death, only Alaina’s love for Martin and the memory of their one stolen kiss have kept Alaina steady. But she hasn’t heard from Martin in far too long and cannot wait forever in the hopes that he will return from America. Just as Alaina begins to recover, one of her father’s associates emerges from the shadows with a choice—she must pose as his fiancĂ©e in America or he’ll send her brother to prison on charges of forgery. Willing to endure ruin and an uncertain future, Alaina agrees—she can do no less for the brother who’s spent his entire life protecting her. Only the man who spurned her can save her from the black mailing scoundrel and a ruined reputation.

Martin hasn’t forgotten Alaina or the kiss they shared. When word of her sacrifice reaches him, he’ll move heaven and earth to find her and make her his, no matter the cost.

The strong-minded, independent Alaina, however, would rather choose ruin over the fear that a marriage proposal has been offered out of duty rather than love.

3. As an author, what can readers expect when they read one of your books?

Delicious, intriguing plots, historical accuracy, and flawed characters. Love and healing may not be the initial goals that my heroes and heroines seek, but as they deal with traumas, betrayals, treachery, and their own brokenness, love finds a way into their hearts.

4. How did you "become" an author? For instance, was there a moment when you said: "I think I'll write a book."

As a small child, I was a story teller and a very amateur poet. As a high school English teacher and part time college adjunct, it was difficult for me to find time to write. The desire to write a book, however, was ever present. I was too busy correcting my student’s work to considering writing anything longer than a poem or an article. Reading historical romance was my guilty pleasure when I wasn’t studying the must-read classics for my profession. One day, after reading a lukewarm romance that didn’t draw me in, I decided that I could, perhaps, write a better one.

With my mom’s often repeated saying, “You can do anything you put your mind to,” in the corner of my mind, I began the long, sometimes frustrating author journey. I realized that God had given me the gift of patience and perseverance, that I could stick with it and complete a novel. When my first regency, Regal Reward, was released, I was thrilled. When excellent review followed its publication, I was hooked. Of course, I learned that the craft of writing takes more than desire. It’s a constant learning experience. And, it’s become an obsession. I love my hours creating stories!

5. What is your writing schedule like?

I try to put in a minimum of two hours a day. On great writing days, I can get in four hours. I admit there are many days that I only have time to revise my previous day’s work or write a single page. I also have many days when I don’t get to the computer. Sometimes I’m too busy with work or family issues but often, to be really honest, I am finding excuses not to face a difficult scene or juncture in the story. Of course, the cure for those days is just to sit down and write. Eventually the scene creates itself when I finally take it on, but I admit I have escapist tendencies when I get stuck.

6. Are you a "write by the seat of the pants" or a plotter or a combination of both?

I am a panster but with a vague plot in mind when I start tapping at the keyboard. My preliminary attempts at plotting might create a sketch of situation, but it is usually dry and more a mental exercise than a passionate one. Once my characters develop their personalities, their desires dictate the twists and turns of the plot. Their dialogue and behaviors-- often a surprise to me as the story moves forward--create tensions that deliver much more than my preliminary plotting mind could have imagined.

7. What's the best thing about being an author?

The love of creation, the drive to create the best story, and the excitement when my characters take off and seem to create their own journeys.

8. What's the worst thing about being an author?

Probably the lack of exercise from sitting for hours and, at times, the isolation. I can become so obsessed with the twists and turns of a story that I don’t always know when it would be healthier to stop.

9. Do you have editions of your books available other than ebook editions?

My first regency, Regal Reward, is available both in print and ebook format.

10. Do you listen to audio books? If so, what device do you use?

I seldom take a long drive without having an audio book playing in the car.

11. What device do you use to read ebooks?

I have a Kindle.

12. If you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?

Never, never, never give up if you have a spirit within you that calls you to write. It doesn’t matter if you are ever published. You can write for yourself, for your family or friends. Creating stories for grandchildren is a wonderful gift to them. If God has blessed you with a gift of words and the desire to write, don’t waste it. Find the best avenue to create, block out time and a space, and write!

13. If you could tell readers one thing, what would it be?

My characters can’t come alive unless, their stories are read. I hope that readers will come to know my characters, enjoy my books, and contact me. I’d love to hear from you.

14. What are you working on now and approximately when will it be available to readers?

I am very excited about the manuscript I am working on. I’m not ready yet to divulge the title yet, and it’s a real departure from my previous novels. The story that has been waiting to be written ever since I found an inscription in a cemetery that touched my heart. I hope the first completed draft will be finished before summer and it can be sent off by September 2014.

Takeaway Truth

Thanks, Elaine, for helping us get to know you, and good luck with A Kiss of Promise -- Amazon Kindle.


  1. Great interview - your next book sounds intriguing - got the idea from a cemetery.
