10 Ways to Get Your Website Known

Whether you primarily use a website or a blog, the goal is to get your website known and associated with your brand.

Here are 10 painless ways to do that.

1. Print business cards and other paper items i.e. promotional postcards, bookmarks, brochures, etc. with your URL along with a short tagline or blurb about what visitors will find on your site.

2. Print up adhesive labels to use as envelope seals. Design with the same info mentioned above. If you have a book coming out, put the title, your name, and release date. Slap one on every piece of correspondence you mail—bills and all.

3. You know all those inserts advertising this, that, and the other that arrive in the same envelope as your bill? Design your own mail insert with your website URL, etc. Make it simple and clean with no visual clutter. Drop one in everything you mail out.

4. Subscribe to websites that review other websites. Give good, honest, not hurtful though, reviews, and you'll get some in return.

5. Have a bumper sticker made with your website URL and the tagline.

6. Have a window cling sticker made with the website URL.

7. Order a license plate frame with your URL.

8. Get a magnetic sign made for your vehicle with your URL and tagline.

9. Of course, you already have the URL in your signature line on every email, but remember to add it to snail mail letterhead information.

10. Write articles for print or online newsletters and have the URL as part of your bio notes.

Takeaway Truth

Using your website to promote your brand isn't an overnight accomplishment. It takes time to build momentum so be patient and keep at it.

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