How To Use Video Promotion

Have you started making video book trailers yet? I have, and it’s a lot of fun. I intend to do even more this year -- not just book trailers but writing lessons, humor pieces, and maybe book reviews. You can see my current videos on my YouTube Channel.

I think of book trailers as a blurb done movie-style. I've also done videos to promote group blogs to which I belong, but I particularly like doing the humor videos like How To Recognize an Author.

This year, I intend to do a lot more with video production -- for me and for clients. (If you're interested in having me create a video book trailer for you, just email me.)

Video design and production is just so much fun. If you don’t have interest in doing it yourself – it is time-consuming – then consider hiring someone to create videos. True, most video producers charge quite a bit, but there are bargains to be had.

Make Video an Effective Tool

Of course, you need to spread your video link around so people can find your video. Here are some suggestions of where to place your link and/or video clip:

  • on your personal social networking page
  • on your website and blog
  • in your signature file for emails, group lists, and forums.
Most importantly, send a copy of your video via DVD or flash drive out whenever you can because if a picture is worth a thousand words, what's a video worth?

DVD blanks and jewel cases are cheap. So are flash drives when you catch them on sale. Save your video to storage media and sent it out. Here are some ways to use video hard copy:
  • in your press kit – hard copy and online
  • to accompany donated items you send to a conference
  • send a video to the person who books engagements if you're pitching yourself as a speaker
  • take discs to hand out at a personal appearance (speech, workshop, book signing, etc.)

Takeaway Truth

Traditional marketing tools just don’t cut it in today’s world so try something new.

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